Basic Info

Name Meaning:

Daimon: From 'Dysdaimon'; 'Ill-fated' - Greek || Sverre: 'Wild, swinging' - Norwegian


13 Solar Sweeps / ~27 Years




Pansexual Panromantic



Blood Colour:




Symbol Meaning:

Forest/Pine rune, reversed


Beagle (Deceased)

Strife Specibus:



Police Officer at Block 136's Legislacerators' Office


Original hivestem apartment was burned down, now resides in the lowblood district of Block 136


♥ n/a || ♦ n/a || ♠ n/a

Daimon is an overly casual troll who seems to be a magnet for the worst luck imaginable. He's survived many the traumatic experience, which has caused him to adopt the motto of 'whatever happens, happens'.  He covers up his past trauma with dry, sardonic humour and the occasional flirtatious innuendo. A real hooligan in his younger sweeps, Daimon has since mellowed out dramatically, but still likes to return to his roots every one in a while. While he finds it difficult to trust others, he's very protective of those he calls his friends and colleagues and would give his life for them. He tends to look out for anyone who reminds him of his younger self, and is always happy to act as a guardian so that they do not end up on the wrong path. Seems to be seeking some form of repentance for his past mistakes.


  • Police work
  • Hunting, Archery
  • Disturbing the peace, general hooliganism
  • Dogs, Volunteering at animal shelters
  • Wandering, exploring both the city and nearby forests

Misc. Information:

  • His voiceclaim is Roger Rose / Niles from Fire Emblem Fates.
  • The original hivestem building he lived in was burned down by The Masked Vigilante when he was seven sweeps, leaving him hiveless for some time. During this time, he stole food to survive and occasionally took up shady jobs to earn some spare change.
  • Half a sweep after becoming hiveless, he met a pair of moirails named Torada and Sobeit, who, along with their group of friends, formed the gang Tiger Shark. Daimon was the second-in-command, and lived in the hideout with Torada and Sobeit. The gang was a small group of close friends who would meet up to run riot around the city, committing petty crimes such as theft and minor property damage. They were mostly seen as a bunch of hooligans rather than a group to be actively wary of like the other gangs in Block 136.
  • One night he arrived to the hideout late, only to walk in on some members of the Red Scarves raiding the place. Daimon's memories are hazy of that night, with the only things he can recall seeing are the bodies of his murdered comrades, and the bow in his hand after shooting the intruders dead.
  • After another long stint of hivelessness, he was recruited by the Legislacerator's Office to work as a police officer. He took up the job as a form of atonement, seeking to save others before they end up on a similar path to him.
  • He moved into a recently-vacated hive in the lowblood district, but rarely visits it because it doesn't feel like 'home' to him. He prefers to sleep in the break room at the office because it reminds him of the old Tiger Shark hideout.
  • He was a heavy smoker to cope with the trauma of losing his Tiger Shark friends, but managed to give it up recently. He now chews a lot of gum and drinks coffee to satisfy his cravings.
  • He developed PTSD due to the incident, suffering from severe survivor's guilt due to how he's only alive today because he happened to get caught up with other things and didn't make it to the gang meeting in time. He's never brought it up to anyone, though.
  • He's a very light sleeper, and often has vivid nightmares about the incident whenever he does manage to fall asleep.
  • He freezes up when in the presence of gang members (particularly those from the Red Scarves), sometimes blanking out entirely and drawing his bow at them.
  • He volunteers at an animal shelter, where he adopted a puggle he named Ace from.
  • He has incredibly bad luck, which he jokes that his survival in the caverns pissed off the gods of fate.
  • He doesn't really like other highbloods as he believes they always take things for granted. However, he is very good with younger trolls and animals.
  • He hates wasting food, and is not adverse to eating food off other people's plates if they don't want it.
  • Chocolate and other sweets make him feel ill, but he'll eat them anyway.
  • He's left handed, and wears the Tiger Shark bracelet on his left hand as a memory. He'll twist the bracelet around his wrist when he's feeling anxious.
  • He's very attached to his cape, as during his periods of hivelessness it was often the only blanket and source of shelter he had. He's never seen without it, and will wrap it around himself and pull the hood up when he's feeling down.
  • His hair is dyed. He used to dye it when he was younger because he wanted stand out and look rebellious, but he continues to dye it because he can't imagine himself without white hair.
  • His ears are pierced twice in both lobes. He used to have an industrial piercing, as well and his tongue and bridge of his nose pierced when he was younger, but he's since had them removed.
  • He's incredibly skilled with a bow and is capable of many trick shots including firing mid-backflip, but considers that to be the only good thing about him. He tends to hold his bow incorrectly when carrying it, simply so then he can spin it around before firing.
  • He's trained in hand-to-hand combat, but prefers to avoid direct conflict as much as possible. When in a situation where he's required to fight in close quarters, he'll always aim to disarm or incapacitate rather than cause harm.
  • He sticks his tongue out when he's concentrating.
  • He has very keen eyes, but poor hearing. 
  • He loves 'Soundclown' mashups, with his favourite being any that involve Death Grips. 
  • He was illiterate for most of his life, and only started learning how to read and write after joining the Legislacerator's Office. He's a bit embarrassed by this.
  • He frequently goes on hunting trips to the forest when the city life starts to become too stressful. He has no aversion towards hunting animals despite working in a shelter and having a huge love for dogs.
  • He loves the smell of pine trees.
  • He's quite difficult to anger, preferring to act passive-aggressive or respond to people's rude remarks as casually chill as possible.
  • He calls everyone 'kid', even if they're older than him.