Rosaria Melody Granite-Terrain



4 years, 2 months ago


Melody is Erica's best friend and the two are as close as sisters. Terrain is one of the many planets that are currently allied with Kingdom Gatez. In other words its part of Chosana. She is the elitist of Earth whether it be controlling rock, grass or wood she can do it all.  Unlike most elitists like Annie or Onica, she rarely participates in normal Elitist culture. she doesn't do missions for the guild, she doesn't fight in the arena, if someone wants to take her title they have to come to her and challenge her but as of yet she is undefeated. Melody Does as she wants and will not move for anyone, shes a princess after all, she holds herself to a higher standard.  
Despite never working out and rarely making use of her abilities she is still one of the strongest elitists, although it is likely that if she were to challenge one of the Arena fighters like Onica she would lose do to her slow mobility and rarely training, although it might take a while to take her down.

Melody is also the current Heir to the throne of Terrain, as her eldest sister is deceased and her elder brother was banished.  Unlike her siblings she never bonded with any guardians, which is incredibly unheard of as until her, all Terrainian royals have at least 2 Guardians who's souls are tethered to theirs. Like Satina or Tigerclaw were bonded to Wanalla.
Melody claims its a testament to her strength but actually has a deep seated inferiority complex because of it. It actually means that the current regent of Terrain who rules until Melody takes the throne completely disrespected her by not getting her any personal guardians.
Melody strives to be perfect, the perfect princess, perfect apperance, perfect personality, perfect attitude and everything else. Someday she might crack under the pressure she puts herself under....