🌺 dot 🌺️
dot's been living in the pond near kerokero's base her whole life, and boy did rib & bit give them a surprise when the twins moved in! after realizing the pond was already occupied, the twins offered to pick another spot, but dot was intruiged by their idea and let them stay. after a while of quietly watching the team grow, dot decided they wanted to help too! they're a little odd, having lived by themself in the pond for as long as they can remember, but nobody knows the underground river system like they do.
they fell in love with ruby short after ruby joined the team, and adores all of the flowers she grows around dot's pondside home! ❤
extra info
type: water/grass
rare quality: funnel fun
characteristic: a little quick tempered
ability: swift swim
- rain dance
- teeter dance
- giga drain
- surf