


4 years, 3 months ago



DFaB - She/They
Lalafell / Dragon
Dunesfolk / Meracydian Wyvern
Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Bahamut's Brood
Meracydia / La Noscea / Ragnorok Central Core

Hair type
Long, straight hair. Blue-grey in color with a soft fade.
Eye color
Sky blue (no defined pupils)
3' ¾" (36.8in)
Potato (average)
Skin Tone
Ear Style
Long, pointed
Facial markings
Small white crystal embedded in forehead
Deep blue curves under her eyes
Slightly darkened button nose
Silver Hoop Earrings
Associated Color
Stonewash Blue

Looking at her you would never know a once great and powerful wyvern had been reduced to this mere Lalafell. To any unknowing eye Twin is your average Lala. She stands on the taller end of the spectrum at 36 inches, and is overall slightly larger to other Dunesfolk, but due to these sizes being fractions of inches she is simply chalked up to being the same as the rest.

Twintania's lusterous scale color now shows in her long hair. She dones long, blue-grey hair with darker roots. Its usually seen half-tied up with a small braid, and sloppy bangs drape over the right side of her face along with a longer strand of hair. She keeps it surprisingly tidy.
Her eyes compliment her hair in a nice shade of sky blue. Due to being a Dunesfolk a protective lense obscures her her pupils, making them appear completely blue.

Dark blue marks beneath her eyes and a decorative crystal upon her forehead would seem to be no more than tattoos and decor respectively to others, but these were never Twin's choice. Though simple they mark her spirits binding, and if questioned get her really heated.


  • Always hungry, always hangry, and bites anything that comes her way.
  • Rushes headlong into everything, regardless of size.
  • Acts a lot like a feral animal; hissing, baring fangs, jumpy, ect.
  • Though her antics come off as cute she really does want to kill you.
  • Weird bipolar behaviors. Can be ready for murder one moment then laughing and playful the next.
  • Fairly serious, demands respect she does not receive.
  • Playful and deviously curious but swears that such actions are 'beneath her'.

Twintania incarnate. Actually a dragon. Always hungry, never stops eating and never satisfied. Will eat anything and everything.
Small but not afraid of anything. She will standup against all in her way, charge without fear, and fight with seemingly endless strength. Fear does not resonate in her even when her small body wants to give out.

Angry, torn, disassociated; She gets random memories, flashes, and assaults of an age long past. Memories that both are and are not hers, as well as memories of the one she has become. They are starting to blur and mix together, causing further and further confusion.
Nothing makes sense. This isn't her, this isn't her life. No one understands, not even herself, no matter how hard she tries to explain. It's frustrating, infuriating even, and everything around her is annoying. She claims to hate everyone, pronounces it vocally, but everything just thinkgs its cute/a joke...

Constantly looking for answers. Twin is on a journey for knowledge that may save her. Perhaps the past holds the key, and she must travel far and wide to ancient sites, as well as looking into recent discoveries in this new era.

With each day that passes she is forced to acknowledge the present as well. It does her little good, and is not in her dragon nature, but she's trying to make the best of it. It sucks.

The longer she lives like this the more she feels she is losing herself. Its slipping away from her slowly, like she's becoming someone else. Worse, she also feels she's losing the part of herself that recgonizes this fact.


  • Food
  • Especially meat and big game and sheep
  • The feeling of wind
  • The sea
  • High places
  • Humans
  • Dragoons
  • Allagans and their technology
  • Her endless hunger

the beginning

(Note, this first section is mostly the games canon, but with different viewpoints. It can be skipped with no real loss.)

Daughter of the First Brood's dreadwyrms Bahamut and Tiamat, Twintania was born a powerful wyvern in the continent of Meracydia. She witnessed and partook in the claiming of the continent in its early years, and bore the age of dragons. For eons, she, her broodbrothers, and spawn claimed the land as its kings.

However, the Allagan Empire would see to it that their peace was fleeting. Hundreds of years of war, killing and capturing dragons for cruel experiments, reached a turning point as the Allagan's resurrected one of its past leaders, Xande. With newfound power behind him the reborn Emperor, along with new chimerical weaponry, brought down the massive Dreadwyrm Bahamut as he defended his brood from their invasion. Without the song of their sire the furious, heartbroken dragons were lost and forced to scatter and go into hiding.

Remaining with her broodmother Twintania swore vengeance on those that took Bahamut from them, that every man and their offspring would know the endless fury of dragons! But Tiamat was a changed being. She had been overtaken by grief in the wake of her love's death, and was not fit to lead a war with her children. And, when approached by a strange cloaked figure, her lamenting became her downfall.

The Ascian manipulated Tiamat his honeyed words, that she could bring back her lost love with the aid of her children. It was thus that her despair brought forth the spawn of Elder Primal Bahamut. This dragon was nothing like he was before, not the passionate king of protective father, but a mindless primal seeking nothing but destruction. Seeing the mockery of her love's memory that she had summoned forth, the great wyrm fell into an even deeper despair and was overtaken by regret as her shame threatened to raze the planet to the ground.

To add insult to injury the Ascian man then turned to the very man that had slain Bahamut before and taught Xande a means to capture him. With the new machine Omega the elder wyrm was restrained with massive neurolinks and locked away within the lesser moon Dalamud. The massive sphere was sent into orbit, its energy now a source for the Allagan's bidding.

Tiamat was broken beyond repair, and though Twintania implored her to reclaim their honor the dragons could no longer fight off the Allagans. One by one they were captured and transported to the heart of their research facility, Azys Lla, where they were suffered to endure research and experimentation for eons. Twintania fought bravely, her youth making her swift and fierce, but even she was no match for the superhuman strength of the empire and locked away on the floating continent.

- - -

Eras passed and the once great Allagan empire fell from to its own hand. Crushed beneath its own power its history, along with the true nature of the red moon, faded into obscurity and was forgotten er long. Without its keepers the floating continent of Azys Lla fell into disrepair. Many dragons broke free of their shackles and escaped the isolated prison, or died in the process, save Tiamat who remained in her bindings as penance for her deep seeded regret.

As Twintania returned to the land she could not shake her own neurolinks. The Allagan technology still clung to her body, a symbol of her eternal service to the monsters, but without its masters she was more or less free. The wyvern watched as a new war was waged between man and itself. Her fury had never settled, never ceased, never lessened, and she returned to the revenge she had sworn eons prior. She razed towns and fields of soldiers and civilians, She left nothing in her wake. No survivors, no one to claim the beast was real, none to know what happened. Despite all her damage nothing she managed even remotely compared to what the humans had done to themselves.

A new Empire arose, the Garleans, and man took arms against his fellow man. Turning on one another in a slaughter feast, an all out war was no more than a desperate attempt to prevent the new Empire from one heinous act; dropping the red moon upon the fields of Carteneau. The fighting escalated to something Twintania had never seen. The lands were soaked in the blood of man and the ceruleum of machines. Screams and cries were lost beneath the sounds of war and crackle of flames, and despite all effort the red moon descended from the sky. The humans expected it to crash, to crush all life beneath it, but instead it shattered like a god-sized egg. Erupting from it was a mindless, furious Primal Bahamut, who's imprisonment only stoked the rage within. It was a shock to all who witnessed it, a new terror more important than the fighting; a signaled of the Seventh Umbral Calamity.

Primal Bahamut's tumultuous fury had no end and his song could not be ignored by his brood even after eons of silence. Twintania heard the call and agonized the knowledge that that mockery still existed, that her sire's name was a curse upon the land, but she could not refuse his summons. Flanked by her fellow dragons she followed the sound, her will submitted, and faded into the blue flames of the calamity.

the endless

As the dust settled on the scene of the calamity, doth did the world forget the tragedy that they faced. The horror was too much to bear or remember, their memories stricken and vague, but Twintania faced a different but very real tale. The broken body of her furious sire lay tethered deep inside the remains of Dalamud, its existence so buried beneath the earth that none knew of the horror within. Twintania had heeded his call, and in turn the Elder Primal had turned on her. With his primal will he forced her to submit, and when she refused he used his power to upon her neurolinks and stripped her of her will. The dragon that had once fought in his honor had become no more than a slaveand alongside other Meracydian dragons, ones who had survived eons of torment, she was once again subject to unending agony as she was forced to protect the regenerating body of the primal being.

The once proud dragon lost track of time. Years passed perhaps, and her existence of pain saw no change until a band of adventurers made their way unto her domain. She bid them leave with a single warning, but they charged her headlong nonetheless. Forced to do her sire's will she took up arms, fighting off the intruders will all her strength. One by one her comrades fell, but the offspring of the First Brood would not falter. They were mere humans, how could they stand the might of a Meracydian Wyvern?! Again and again she struck them down, swearing she killed them, but even as the life faded from their eyes their comrades found a way to return their strength. The fierce fight forced her to pull out all her tricks, summoning snakes and other magics that pushed her own body to its limits. A new pain rippled through her, and the ceaseless effort even saw to the breakdown of her neurolinks.

The damn Allagans refused to stop getting in her way, as her rings of enslavement acted as protection for the humans against her ultimate blasts. She could not shake the Warrior, and felt herself grow faint from effort as she ripped through the party. Submitting what little will she had left to her remaining ring she prayed for something to see an end to these beings. The hatches came forth, having heard her will and chasing for one of the far standing Lalafells. There was a crash, a squelch, and down they went. Another hatch, another hit. The party dwindled, the tide finally in her favor, but the dragon hadn't the chance to even acknowledge her success as a sudden immensely strong strike struck her.

The air was driven from her chest, the world spinning as she was thrown across her own arena. She struggled, the strength gone from her wings. For a few desperate moments, she panicked, praying to all, to her dam, her sire, her grand-sire, anything to preserve and complete her mission. But as the Warrior charged and rushed her once more, the final hit felt like.. nothing. In her last moments, the dragon finally felt peace.

The party rejoiced, the bloody and torn up battlefield meaning nothing to them as they pressed onward. Raising their fallen comrades someone screamed, "I can't, I can't get to Titila Tila-!" The massive Wyvern had been slain on top of her, its body too heavy to move and allow a spell to connect. The victory turned pyrrhic as they were not only forced to leave without a comrade, but relinquish her to the lifestream. Celebrations were cut short, but the adventurers held their heads high in her honor as they moved deeper into the coil.

Life would have been too kind to let the old dragon rest after that moment. Perhaps it was the abundance of aether surrounding them, or the presence of a primal nearby, but her prayer was met with an answer. Her bloodied body touched the small crystal decorating the deceased Lalafell's forehead and acted as a catalyst for an unprecedented event. With the lingering magic of Raise spell still around them the dragon's life force went from one body to another as it was plucked from the lifestream. Her massive being disappeared, aether absorbed into the tiny being that was left behind. The tiny crystal changed, fading from green to white and embedding itself within her skin. Dragon blood splattered across her face fused, dying the skin and changing it to have blue streaks beneath both eyes.

When the disorientated Lalafell finally awoke and took in a gasping breath she was no longer within the Ragnorok Central Core. She was no longer a dragon, an elder being, or under control. She was.. no longer sure where, who, or what she was.

the now

Twintania's memories were all sorts of damaged. The possessed being could recall broken memories of what happened and her story, but within the body she possessed no one would believe her, nor did she have any idea how to reverse it. Twin struggled, going feral and attacking small animals in the woods like a stray dog. Adventurers approached, thinking her a beast, and she would merely yell until finally she found a voice.

Miscellaneous Extras

She was bequeathed a standard dwelling within Shirogane and see's to it as a storage facility for her abundant and growing horde. It has an attached "secret dungeon" she does not know the purpose of but uses simply as more storage.
FC Rank
Main Mount(s)
Main Minion(s)
Clockwork Twintania, Accompaniment Node, OMG
Chocobo's Name
Chocobo's Color
Dalamud Red
Shimmering Objects / Food

  • She was created off of a nickname given to the boss she's named after, Twintania-chan.
  • Originally she was meant to be a suitcase, or a character used to transfer items across servers, but afterward she was leveled and loved.
  • She has several macros for her feral activities.
  • Each marking, her earrings, gemstone, coloration, eye type, tattoos, were all made being an incarnate of Twintania in mind.
  • Her house, while it was indeed a gift from a friend, is also symbolic in a lore sense. Orthard does not naturally have dragons, thus their many names do not reach those of the nation. There, while her race is uncommon, her name at least does not receive strange glances. For this reason, as an adventurer, she has enjoyed her stay more than expected.
Classes and Jobs

Main Classes

Though she can not recall what it is, this class allows her to channel her dragonic power into raw energy. She can exude strength and command lesser beings with ease, and can even display her dragonic power in a miniature version of her sire.



Though its not the same as a plummet or divebomb, the motions needed to swing a heavy axe remind Twin so much of an age she can not recall. Brute strength and raw power combine to display the fury of a dragon. Something deep inside has even urged her to use armor designed after her sire.



Her lack of understanding for what her tome does led to the discovery of a new magic. This anger dragon doesn't make for a good healer, but something feels odd about one of her spells...


Important Moments

  • Gained access to abilities as a summoner
  • item two
  • item three
  • Noticed her memories are fading with time, and thus so is herself
Life Changer

Was reborn in the body of a Lalafell she slayed.

Lesser Victories

Leveled through an expansion in the course of a night to purchase a house.

stored items

  • Several half eaten animal carcasses
  • Books with bite marks in them.
  • Anything and everything shiny she's run into
  • Piles of money and coins she's collected/earned/stolen.