Fritz Ackermann



4 years, 2 months ago


"And now I want brimstone in my garden I want roses set on fire And I, well I want what’s best for me And I, I think I know just what that means."
  • Name: Frederick "Fritz" Mattias Ackermann
  • Age at the start of present storyline: 23
  • Ethnicity: Finnish/German
  • Traits: Quick-Witted, Charismatic , Blunt, Feisty, Eccentric, Crude, Chaotic Neutral, Mischievous, Severely unpredictable
  • Gender: Male He/Him
  • Orientation: Bisexual leans both ways
  • Birth Date: September 16th, 1933 Helsinki, Finland
  • Occupation: Factory worker/Wannabe musician/con artist


Ah fritz, an overly eager (and very confusing) young finn-german factory worker turned the route of a “con-artist”. But in all honesty, he’s just a wannabe musician who exceeds a hefty amount of tomfuckering. He’s (not to mention) a devilish idiot, or idiotically devilish... he’s increasingly multifaceted in being loud, possessing quick witted dry charisma, a multitude of persona playing “HE IS ENTERTAINER!” And then there’s his inappropriate laughter mostly to other's expense in “schadenfreude”.

He is far from the average helsinki lifestyle that's for sure. He may have no sense of a compass in any value, but his few minor values have resulted in a deeply rooted artistic soul, and a passion for music. He likes certain art but most of it is just absurdist and dada stylizations, and he enjoys reading comics in the no-name daily london gazette when he gets the chance when he can snag a piece out of the outdoor rubbish bin.


  • Mother Mother - Dirty Town
  • Mother Mother - Mamma Told Me
  • Mother Mother - Problems
  • Fun. - Benson Hedges
  • Avey Tares Slasher Flicks - Little Fang
  • Scissor Sisters - Mary
  • Cigarette Daydreams - Cage the Elephant
  • Scissor Sisters - Lovers In The Backseat
  • Scissor Sisters - I Can't Decide
  • Jukebox the Ghost - Don't Stop Me Now

Featured Artwork



  • Stands at a height of approximately 5'5 (165 cm)
  • his build is lean, slender,
  • little to no muscle would be too generous, he's not very atehtically built
  • scraggly and scruffy looking hoodlum/scoundral most of the time
  • hair is very messy, and his slightly wavy very much a street guy
  • (probably sleeps in the sewers too)
  • he is a WRECK he's also kinda sleazed up for the occassion too
  • he's kind of nasty too, his hair is ...surprisingly clean though. despite his infamousness for being not only a trashman but also an entire dumpster fire
  • and god dammit, fritz also happens to be a conventionally handsome fox, shame, shame on you why
  • his hair color is indecipherable at times and can look weird in certain lighting/s
  • sometimes he has the natural ability to look very disgruntled, yet he is full of life.
  • He looks too eager, too smug, and too cocky, tone it down frederick, tone it down
  • Are they very expressive? Do they talk with their hands?
  • What's their posture like? Do they slouch at often?
  • Note


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Put an introduction to your character's lore here. Maybe write a quick sentence on their view of humans, or hint at what they do for a living now. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget massa quam. Sed enim quam, ultrices a consequat et, lobortis quis sapien. Pellentesque fringilla mauris eget magna consequat dignissim. Pellentesque quam quam, porttitor nec quam ac, pellentesque ultricies tortor.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac faucibus eros, id consequat nisi. Integer risus mi, efficitur nec enim id, ultrices fermentum tortor. Ut ut mattis tellus, et volutpat tortor. Suspendisse sodales luctus tristique. Morbi est tellus, laoreet vitae ex ut, gravida pulvinar mi. Maecenas sit amet purus mauris. Vivamus et efficitur purus. Donec iaculis tellus vitae libero rutrum, nec ornare mi porttitor. Phasellus interdum arcu et justo vulputate, sit amet eleifend erat feugiat. Nullam vestibulum lacinia elit scelerisque vehicula.

Suspendisse sollicitudin et felis non pharetra. Duis hendrerit et mi at aliquam. Pellentesque luctus sed dolor in varius. Etiam tincidunt tellus vel pellentesque vehicula. Curabitur volutpat libero nec mi vehicula, nec condimentum mauris porttitor. Vestibulum diam dolor, posuere at rutrum non, dictum a elit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris vel turpis sed purus dictum finibus.

Sed ornare nibh eu odio semper, quis fringilla massa vehicula. Phasellus eu nisl mi. Integer dignissim gravida odio. Nulla facilisis in diam non sodales. Nunc sit amet porttitor leo. Proin diam sem, pulvinar ut velit non, fermentum ullamcorper ligula. In egestas, metus eu placerat cursus, tellus nibh congue massa, lobortis volutpat eros eros sed nisi. Etiam laoreet et nisi eget tincidunt. Etiam id enim sed eros porta rutrum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac faucibus eros, id consequat nisi. Integer risus mi, efficitur nec enim id, ultrices fermentum tortor. Ut ut mattis tellus, et volutpat tortor. Suspendisse sodales luctus tristique. Morbi est tellus, laoreet vitae ex ut, gravida pulvinar mi. Maecenas sit amet purus mauris. Vivamus et efficitur purus. Donec iaculis tellus vitae libero rutrum, nec ornare mi porttitor. Phasellus interdum arcu et justo vulputate, sit amet eleifend erat feugiat. Nullam vestibulum lacinia elit scelerisque vehicula.

Suspendisse sollicitudin et felis non pharetra. Duis hendrerit et mi at aliquam. Pellentesque luctus sed dolor in varius. Etiam tincidunt tellus vel pellentesque vehicula. Curabitur volutpat libero nec mi vehicula, nec condimentum mauris porttitor. Vestibulum diam dolor, posuere at rutrum non, dictum a elit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris vel turpis sed purus dictum finibus.

Sed ornare nibh eu odio semper, quis fringilla massa vehicula. Phasellus eu nisl mi. Integer dignissim gravida odio. Nulla facilisis in diam non sodales. Nunc sit amet porttitor leo. Proin diam sem, pulvinar ut velit non, fermentum ullamcorper ligula. In egestas, metus eu placerat cursus, tellus nibh congue massa, lobortis volutpat eros eros sed nisi. Etiam laoreet et nisi eget tincidunt. Etiam id enim sed eros porta rutrum.


  • List some interesting or unexpected facts here! Try writing complete sentences if you want it to feel like a trivia section of a fandom wiki page.
  • Male deer are called bucks or stags, female deer are called does, and young deer are called fawns. A group is a herd.
  • In some countries, like Ireland, deer have no natural predators.
  • The Chinese water deer is the only species that lacks antlers. Instead, they have fang-like tusks.
  • Fawns can normally walk within a half hour of being born.
  • White stags, often described in folklore, are actually deer with leucism. Simialrly to albinism, leucism causes their skin and fur to lose some of its natural pigments.
  • Since their eyes are on the side of their heads, deer have 310 degrees vision, versus human's 180 degree vision.
  • White-tailed deer can jump up to 8 feet tall from a static position.

“Yesterday is ashes, tomorrow wood. Only today does the fire burn brightly.”

― Eskimo Proverb


  • List some things your character likes or enjoys!
  • List some things your character likes or enjoys!
  • List some things your character likes or enjoys!
  • List some things your character likes or enjoys!
  • List some things your character likes or enjoys!


  • List some things your character dislikes!
  • List some things your character dislikes!
  • List some things your character dislikes!
  • List some things your character dislikes!
  • List some things your character dislikes!

“More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.”

― Roy T. Bennet