


4 years, 5 months ago


Name: Unknown
Alias: Hopper
Affiliation(s): Friends to both heroes and villains
Quirk: Dimensional Helper [Emitter]

Hopper possesses a highly powerful emitter quirk that allows her to warp herself and others to alternate realities, which she refers to as ‘universes’. Hopper’s quirk allows her to locate people either in need of help or that she would personally like to help. Due to this, Hopper most notably appears to teenagers and young adults suffering from depression, trauma or suicidal thoughts/actions.

Hopper shows no preference to either heroes or villains, and will commonly refer to herself as an ‘outside party’, being ‘morally grey’ or state that she isn’t obsessed with the dynamics between heroes and villains. She is known to associate with heroes, villains, vigilantes and occasionally civilians. Hopper states she both doesn’t care and is incapable of caring about villainous actions (with some exceptions) and only cares about a person’s ability to be her friend.

Hopper is known for her calm demeanor, rarely discussing things not related to whomever she is talking to. People have described this as if the only thing that mattered to her was those related to who/what she was talking to/about. Those she has deemed closest to her have noted her particular interests in a few people, whom she will constantly seek out in various realities, and a slight disdain for All Might. She has shown to have a fondness for “harmless chaos” and enjoys teasing her friends. She enjoys surprising people by appearing when they are not looking and actively chooses actions that cause her new charges to believe she is a hallucination. She has also shown to be extremely protective of her friends, occasionally stepping into situations she had previously stated she could not.

Hopper’s quirk is one of the highest ranked quirks possible, leaving normal police and pro-heroes unable to take action against her. Hopper is monitored, like all dimensional quirk users, by a group she refers to as ‘The Bureau’, who will step in should she break any rules set for her quirk. Hopper states that no universe has a set in stone fate for any person and humans truly have free will, which is what allows her to interact with other universes freely, however the line is drawn when she begins mixing people from different realities, uses her ability to drastically alter a world herself or takes any actions to harm or alter the ‘multiverse’ as a while.


WARP: Hopper is able to warp herself, others and items to various other realities called universes.

LOCATE: Hopper is able to locate persons of interest in any reality, though this ability is limited to people she is there to help or she has a bond with. She is also vaguely aware of important events that make that universe unique, though she is able to change them, such as preventing a suicide.

LIMITED PERCEPTION: Hopper is able to only be palpable to those she chooses, should it be related to whom she is there to assist. To anyone other than these persons any space she occupies seems to be empty, and she is not able to be heard or otherwise detected. This applies to any form of thermal camera or sensors.

PHANTOM IMAGE: Hopper is able to, similarly, become intangible while remaining visible. Hopper claims she is spreading herself across all dimensions, thus leaving only an ‘imprint’ of herself.

HIVE MIND: Hopper is mentally connected to any version of herself that shares her quirk, possessing any memories and senses her other selves experience. Hopper views herself as a singular consciousness inhabiting many bodies and has been observed to be generally unbothered if a version of herself dies, though she refers to it as annoying.

PENDENT CREATION: [SPECULATED] Hopper has displayed the ability to summon necklaces bearing a charm inscribed with the letter 'H', which she gives to her closest friends. Hopper states that by simply holding the charm and needing her (often done by saying her name aloud) she will be called. It is unknown if the pendents are a creation of her quirk, support items or simply regular pieces of jewelry, nor is it known if they are actually able to summon her (or if they are even required to summon her).