


7 years, 7 months ago


Name: Casimiro
Nickname: Miro, Chili Pepper
Age: 39
Gender: Male (cis)
Occupation: Stay at home husband
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pokemon Team: Quaquaval, Slither Wing, Makuhita, Crabrawler, Toxicroak, Hawlucha

Backstory: As a child, Miro dealt with a difficult illness and spent most of his childhood in a hospital. He'd have to complete his studies in his hospital bed, and missed his parents often when they'd have to return home after visiting hours. Despite the grimness of his situation, Miro maintained a positive attitude and kept fighting in order to get rid of this and go home. At around 5 years old, his family worried that he might not make it. Miro tried not to think about this, but a part of him also worried he would have to keep fighting and for it to have all been for nothing. With the care of the Blisseys and the encouragement of the nurses, he continued to keep fighting and didn't give up hope. Thankfully all his fighting did have a payoff and Miro was able to overcome his illness and go home. Since then, he's vowed to live his life to the fullest and doesn't hold himself back on anything he wants to do. He would eventually enroll in Paldea's academy where he would meet his rival, Sage, and be a thorn in his side forever! As an adult, Miro lives a peaceful life with his wife, Mitsuru. He continues to bug Sage and go on his adventures to keep living his life to the fullest. 

Personality: Miro is energetic and always looking for the next thing to do! He likes to lend a helping hand to others and is very encouraging. He tends to be insistent and has a hard time taking no for an answer when it comes to Pokémon battles and doing something fun. Though his high energy may make him seem like a dummy to some, he was actually very studious and got good grades in school. However, he could never really figure out what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, besides enjoying every minute of it. He'd get little part-time jobs to help his parents and pay for his own expenses, but he never could figure out a permanent job. Most would suggest a champion gig since he loves battling, but Miro would rather jump in a lake during winter. He knows it's not as fun as it looks and he wants to have battles with no restrictions from the league. He's friendly to a fault and his tendency to run into situations head first often gets him hurt or in a tough spot. Thankfully, nothing too scary has happened thanks to his impulses.


- His dad is from Paldea and his mom is from Kanto. He will sometimes take trips to Kanto to visit his mom's side of the family.

- His favorite subject in school was art.

- He and his wife are very devoted to one another but don't mind having a 3rd.

- When he isn't out and about he likes to work out at home and train with his Pokémon.

- He is an only child, but considered his cousins from his dad's side siblings.

- Has a huge soft spot for nurses and the Chansey line because of their support for him during his time in the hospital.

- Often volunteers at various places to help those who need it.

- Is liked around town, but his energy can be overwhelming, so sometimes some places will tell him to try another organization that may need him.

- Him being married is a bit shocking to some because he has a tendency to get crushes on people for looking out for him/taking care of him...which, well, any person with a kind heart would when they find him needing help after rushing into a situation. Mitsuru is very special.