Angy Gerrumpel



4 years, 29 days ago



Name:Angy Gerrumpel
Age:38Height:180 cmClosed Species:Terrabon


Lemon Tree - rare

Tree |  missing scales |  chopped crown
Someone has been stealing his lemons...


- Outfit || Turtle shell + lemon tree
- He has slight greying at the roots of his hair
- Optional features: Wrinkles can be optional, but leave the grey hairs if removed.


Angy can be known for his angry and grumpy attitude as life itself is a stressful thing. Dealing with grief, managing his own business, paying the bills, making sure his young child is fed and living a good life, keeping up friendships, educating the youngsters, its a long, never ending list. If he were to make a daily to-do list, it would ensue a mid life crisis. He tries to hide his spiky personality but it slips out at points of stress. He doesn't physically or mentally lash out on people, but there is a notable shift with his aura, leaving a bright room significantly dulled and mellowed out. A sure fire way to cheer him up is a lovely cup of ginger tea, something he can't say no to.

Despite being a known grump, he has friends all over the world who he always loves to chat to. If you get him on the topic of fishing, fatherhood, thieves, or Terrabon history, be prepared to sit down. He can be quite a handful if they bump into a topic he is passionate about, to the point he may not shut up, even when all his listeners have left the chat mentally and physically. If you wanted to vent or ask for advice, he is always there to listen without judgement. His advice might not always be spot on, but you will certainly feel lifted from at least some of the stress that burdens you.  


Sunny is his only daughter, and is currently still in her turtle phase. Her plant is still within the early phases, so no one can really guess what plant she will posses. Even though all her talk is babble, you can feel the never ending joy that radiance off her. Their relationship is well intact, and he does her best to not feel left out despite what had happened in the past. She may have became a bit spoilt in her ways, always getting what she wanted, allowed to eat a bit too much food, and even allowed to sleep 30 minutes later than promised! [Currently there is no art on her, just imagine a chubby turtle].


Angy is a travelling merchant that specialises in selling fish. He sells a mixture of both dried and fresh, although he can only sell fresh fish if he is able to fish within a nearby location to the village. If you catch him on his travels, you will either notice his young child strapped securely on his chest or his eye tracking them at all times. His noble steed, James, appears adapt at blocking Sunny from wondering off by nudging them, or straight up grabbing their clothing and plopping them down to safety. 

♥  Angry♥  Grumpy
♥  Caring
♥  Preachy
♥  Social
♥ Busy
♥  Patient

These are just some ideas to help you think! Feel free to actually use them though.

- Looking after Sunny, be it having her safely strapped to his chest, or chasing her around.
- Fishing with pure bliss on his face.
- Him trying to understand how to unpack or use a piece of equipment he bought. 


- His true first name is Angela, this is a locked down secret that only few know, but never mention (except one).
- He is paranoid when he sleeps at night, there seems to be a thief in town.
- [Terrabon Gold Calculator]

Coding by lowkeywicked