


4 years, 1 month ago



Turn the Lights Off

Tally Hall

01 — Profile

Name Adrenaline
Nicknames Adren
Age 22
Gender Male (he/him)
Height 2'1
Birthdate 3/11/????
Race Maned wolf
Orientation Aro/ace
Occupation Maker

  • Lots of little speckles!

  • Claws stick out- not retractable

02 — Personality

Adrenaline acts tough to avoid getting close to others. He's seen and done awful things at his job, and he doesn't want to find any of his clients to be his friends. He can be quite hostile and hissy, but he doesn't mean any genuine harm.

Because of his job, he's very secretive and doesn't live with other inbetweens. Though he lives around trues, he refuses to get to know them or even talk about them.

The few friends he does have always have to have him meet them. He doesn't allow them to come to his home, not wanting them to even risk being around trues. He's always paranoid one may ask him to help make modifications, so he'll constantly tell them how often it goes wrong and how dangerous it is to dissuade them.

  • Naturals

  • Being alone

  • Trues

  • Other inbetweens

  • Other makers

03 — Background


Like all makers, Adrenaline was chosen to be one by Iris when he was born. Because of this, he was taken away from his parents to be raised by trues. He was raised to believe being a maker is the best job one can have, besides being a true, and they even convinced him to make modifications to his own body. When he was 14, he finally realized how awful this all was, and ever since he's resented Iris and the trues.

He spends his time away from trues and inbetweens whenever he can. He can't stand how they all think it's okay to modify, and refuses to make any more modifications to himself. He hates his job and takes time off whenever he can, wanting to spend as little time as possible at it. He has debated leaving several times, and at one point even attempted this. He failed to escape, though, and has lived closer to the center of the city since then.


Like all makers, Adrenaline was taken from his parents to be raised by trues. He doesn't know who his parents are, and whether or not they were rebels or willingly gave him up. He doesn't consider the two trues who raised him, 1k912 and 2k34, to be his parents. He has repeatedly tried to find his parents, but has never had any luck. He has assumed they're dead, and has given up the search at this point.

He believed trues and makers were good for quite a large part of his childhood. It wasn't until a maker friend of his, Keratin, became a true that he realized what was going on, and he has resented trues and makers since then.

Escape Attempt

When he was 17, he tried to flee the city, taking Rosebud with him. They got to the border, but were caught by one of the guards patrolling and sent back to the city. Rosebud wasn't punished, as Adrenaline lied and claimed he'd forced her along, and he wasn't quite punished either. Instead, Iris chose to promote him, which both would hopefully make his opinion of her more positive while also letting her keep a closer eye on him. The former failed, and he still hates her.

04 — Location


05 — Relationships



A childhood friend, and someone Adren holds very dear to him. He worries she'll end up wanting to modify herself, so he makes constantly sure she knows how bad that would be.



Thyme has never trusted Adren, due to him being a maker, and he's always held a bit of a grudge for her still not trusting him so many years later./p>



Adren hates her for what she's done. He resents her for having him fooled for so long, and for taking him away from what could have been a normal life.