


7 years, 7 months ago


A brief summary of Epigra's journey as written so far, as written through google chat

epigra is the youngest daughter of Jellybean and Gummibear, two of my other mains who I have yet to post

So anyways, her mom is the apprentice to a witch named the Sky Witch and her whole family is candy magic based

Epigra however, could not get the hang of it for the life of her

she was more interested in steam powered magic

the sky witch began to teach her, however the sky witch knew that she couldn't teach her enough

also Jellybean was very particular about her family

so epigra, at the age of 13, ran away from home in Unicorn Steppes, and on a particularly busy day for the Unicorn Steppes gatekeeper, she slipped through to the realm of Phoenix Hearth, the capital of stratos

for a couple of years, Epigra made her way through Phoenix Hearth, practicing her steam magic and building things

one day, however, she made a key

and that key had power

and that key attracted the attention of Lady Holly, the high queen of Stratos

(also lady holly and her friends age a lot slower than the rest of the general populace)

because that key was the key to unlocking Dragon Sands, one of the scattered realms of Stratos

and only a few other inhabitants have the power to go through realms quickly, and those inhabitants are busy

so a few are chosen as "gatekeeper" for specific realms, and those are the ones who happen across the key

so, Epigra was approached by Lady Holly and Lady Wish,

who invited her to become gatekeeper of Dragon Sands

and she accepted

now being gatekeeper is really interesting

it introduces a new type of magic into your body so long as you wear the gate-keepers cloak

and it makes you exceptionally long lived

so Epigra got glass magic as well as her steam magic and faint candy magic

Epigra moved to Dragon sands udner the guise of moving there when it was opened as a tinkerer

and a mechanic because Dragon Sands is very steampunk

her identity as gatekeeper is a state secret

every day in the afternoon for anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours, Epigra opens the gate to let others through

or upon emergency request by the crown

no one knows this, they just know the grumpy mechanic

also, the gatekeeper cloak makes you like 15 feet tall its great

the cloak draws on your natural powers and amplifies and adds to them

during this time, Epigra got to know the klutzy mailman, herb

at first she thought hiim annoying

however as he told stories of his adventures getting the mail through on time

and they grew older

she started to tolerate his presence

and eventually, she trusted him

and he trusted her

and she told him of her identity

as the gate keeper

and he was impressed

and they began a courtship

at the same time, her mom was furious with her for leaving

and she had lots of problems there