Jacopo Alighieri



4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Jacopo Alighieri





Ability Reference

Il Dottrinale by Jacopo Alighieri


Order of the Clock Tower (Formerly) || Armed Detective Agency (Current)


I'm spamming, template can come later. I prematurely posted him a while ago weeps I'm sorry

  • Eldest child and only Ability Using child of Dante Alighieri
  • Dante erased his, his mother's and siblings' memories before he left Italy, so Jacopo has no memory of him.
  • Grew up in Forli, Romagna with his mother, twin brother and his younger twin siblings. His only father figure was his grandfather, Folco Portinari.
  • Discovered his Ability as a preteen. He got into astrology and withcraft under the influence of some friends at school, only to discover his star-like Ability. Folco, who knew and remembered Dante, feared for Jacopo's safety. However; he couldn't hide Jacopo fast enough when the Portinari family was invited to the Vatican.
  • Jacopo was given a "scholarship" in a Government Institution that works as a small school for Ability Users, which is connected to their Special Ability Institute. Jacopo didn't think much of it until he was asked about his own Ability, and how he came here.
  • He realized soon that he and his family were held hostage, but he was too afraid to act against the government. He was only 13 with a powerful Ability he couldn't handle. He felt guilty that his siblings and mother likely hate him for having this Ability, so he apologized to them. Even if they were being fed and well kept under the government's care, Jacopo was still very ridden with guilt. He only promised to work harder, at the cost of himself, if it meant that his family would eventually be let go.
  • Jacopo strived to fight his way into recognition, hoping his plan would work. However; because he showed promise and a potentially incredibly powerful Ability, he was sent to the Order of the Clock Tower when they sought out more agents through their other European Allies. He was only 14 years old.
  • For a year, Jacopo travelled between Italy and the UK. However, after he turned 15, he was staying in the UK until further notice. Being so young, he attached himself to older members such as Phillip Pullman and Agatha Christie. Since then, he has accustomed himself well to the Order of the Clock Tower. Aside his own family, he developed an attachment to the other Clock Tower agents and considered them family away from home. He worked well to make them proud.
  • He also started actual proper work in the Clock Tower, engaging in actual combat. Jacopo didn't easily take to hurting, and potentially killing others initially. However; after his first kill, Jacopo was already hardened then, only mourning that he had to do his work. He was known to always offer prayers to his own victims after a mission.
  • When the time came for the Clock Tower to make their move in Yokohama, Jacopo was one of the first agents to infiltrate the area. He wasn't a very high profile Ability User despite his Ability, and he kept low unless he actually had to fight.
  • Despite his infiltration, he unknowlingly befriended Ability Users in Yokohama, namely those in the Armed Detective Agency to help him navigate around Yokohama. Imagine his shock when he was forced to fight them and potentially kill them. He was accused of being a spy, and yet Jacopo only showed remorse in having to fight them. He has a "hate me is you must" attitude, on top of his own regret, but he reasoned that this whole issue, it's not because people are evil and they want evil things, but it's also simply a matter of how far people will go for their ideals and their beliefs. When he was asked about his, he didn't know how to respond. He was quickly defeated soon after.
  • Sometime during his stay, he has discovered Dante, his biological father. He bore his surname, he was registered as Jacopo Alighieri. Yet, he could not recall Dante; but Dante remembered him. Jacopo engaging in combat with the Guild was inevitable, and that was when he learned the truth about himself and his father. He was at a loss and suddenly didn't know what to think, since he's been lied to his entire life.
  • Until the Clock Tower actually comes around this is my plot: However; after the Clock Tower suffered heavy losses and collapsed in itself, Jacopo was pronounced dead by the Italian Government as he wasn't found amidst the chaos. Jacopo was found by Atsushi and Kyouka, who recognized him since he befriended them prior to being found out. He was sent to Yosano even though he was seen as an enemy.
  • With no means of going home, Jacopo found himself with no other choice but to remain in Japan. He also expressed fear in having to face and explain himself to the Italian Government. He was incredibly upset with the whole ordeal, and didn't know what to do or how to sneak back home. Atsushi and Kyouka offered to take him into the ADA until they find a way to get him home.
  • Jacopo thought he was done with these Ability Organizations, already tired of everything at only 16 years old. However; he took up the offer anyway because there was no way he could survive on his own until then. At the same time, nobosy else was too willing to help a lost Italian child like him.
  • He still gets visits from Dante, who wants to reconnect with him because their meeting was just fate at that point. Jacopo didn't take too well to a father who left him, not until he felt that he had no choice but to talk to him. He still had questions that he felt only Dante could answer.
  • Honestly what even is the plot and lore of BSD because we can just make shit up at this point.
  • ABILITY DESCRIPTION: Dottrinale is a powerful Ability with numerous uses. It manifests as stars and different constellations, which have different uses such as offense, defense, and other things such as buffs and minor healing. Offensive techniques are represented with Fire Signs, Defense with Earth Signs, Healing with Water Signs and Buffs with Air Signs. With how powerful the Ability is, there is a risk that Jacopo could destroy his own body if he doesn't know how to control it. However; since joining the ADA, he has significantly weakened in his Ability, having to actually work with a more balanced out Ability now without the risk of destroying himself.

  • PERSONALITY: Jacopo is a rather sincere and kind young man who never really means harm to people. He's still young, so there are still things in the world he is rather inexperienced in, including what should be considered normal. The way he was raised stunted his ability to socialize properly without attaching himself too closely once he realizes he likes a person. He keeps an open mind to new people and places, and is shown to wanting to not think about his own missions just yet. Jacopo is also an incredibly hard worker and often works hard for short term goals; having difficulty setting long-tern goals for himself. He's fairly independent, being able to live on his own; with his only real difficulty being language barriers. Jacopo is also quite assertive and takes charge of things he knows he can handle, and sometimes bites off more than he can chew if he so badly wanted to do something. However; when push comes to shove, Jacopo will regretfully turn on someone once they pose great danger to him. Working in Ability Organizations has ingrained into him that people will go to the far extremes to get what they want, and that they don't see their own goals as evil; others do. He has also accepted that sometimes, things are meant to happen, and that conflict is inevitable. Despite all this, Jacopo works very hard to not succumb to using extreme measures, even though he knows that if he did, he could achieve his own goals much quicker. This comes to show that Jacopo is selfless, and that he doesn't consider only himself, but others. What keeps him from going off the rails is "if I come home, what would my family think of me?"