Adonis - 💙



4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Adonis

Age: 20 in human years

Birthday: April 3

Zodiac: Aries

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual

Clan: Lambda

Power: sense and control the emotions of others

Flavor: sugarfloss

Likes: video games, sports, going hiking and being super active, going out in the town and having fun, spending time with friends, camping, being social

Dislikes: being stuck inside all day with nothing to do, gloomy, rainy days, really bad weather (he's got fears of storms now from the Lambda Hurricane), being alone for a long time

Personality: rambunctious, adventurous, goofy, the life of the party, loves being the center of attention, likes making people happy, emotional, empathetic, can be a little bit clingy at times

Occupation: part time at a fruit vendor selling exotic Lambda fruits and fruity treats! Mainly just handles the sales and cleans up when needed

Lives: a bit north of Lā Hana, Lambda