Rhea - Fairy of Waves



4 years, 1 month ago



Queen of the Kingdom of Enaerith

Plannet: Imes

Protector of Lake Lreine - One of the two lakes of life of Imes

Fairy of Waves

Age: 18 Years

Brief history: Childhood as normal as it can be for a Royal. At 15 -insert name here- began a civil war to take control of the Kingdom, as well as Lake Lreine. A year later her parents were deposed and forced to flee the planet. To protect her from -name here- finding her and gaining the powers of Lake Lreine they sent her to Alfea under the protection of Cecelia,the daughter of a trusted friend.

Queen of the Kingdom of Enaerith

Fairy of the Lreine river

The Lreine River is the river the flows through the very heart of the planet Enaerith. It serves to revitalize the world and, as long as waters flow through its banks, the planet is guaranteed to thrive and prosper. It is essentially the planet's life force.

Once every two hundred years the spirit if the river is reincarnated into living form

Once every two generations a member of the Royal family is selected to become the new Guardian of the Lreine by the river itself, and is embedded ei to the chosen one. Afterwards the Fairy and the river become linked, and so long as the Fairy remains alive and healthy, so too shall the river, and Enaerith will continue to thrive.