👑 King Tylend



4 years, 2 months ago



Name Tylend
Age 5 Years
Gender Male
Race Lion
Role King


As a cub, his pride was invaded and taken over. The Male intruder, the false king, killed all adult males that lived in the pride and any lionesses that were not already pregnant he took. In doing so he demolished Tylends mother's title of queen.

While in the pride, Tylend was giving not training in servival by the false king or his lions. As an older teen, Tylend and the other male offspring of his pride where chased out. It was the False king's hope that Tylend would not survive rouge life and that the blood of the rightful prince would not be on his paws.

However, Tylend forced himself to learn how to survive alone and grew to be a good lion despite the past. He vowed that one day he would return to his home pride and reclaim the throne from the false king. He knew well the lion from the stories his mother had told him and his own experiences in the pride. He never forgot them.

Then he ran into three lioness about his age.

Though at first neither him or they trusted eachother. The lions grew close, before long they had all become close best friends. With thier help he reclaimed his homeland with the help of a pride known as the Breeders pride.





Jendayi ( Best Friend / 2nd Command )
Jendayi attacked me when we first met. I was trying to hun, but that was okay, it took some time but I gained a friend in her.


Raizel ( Mate / Royal Consort / Lead healer )
Rai is very gentle and loving. She helps Jen and Zan when she's having a slow day at the healing cave.


Zanta ( Best friend / Hunter / Guard / Cub Protector )
The Youngest of us. She is a strong lioness for her age. Recently she learned she was a ground user.

HTML by lowkeywicked