
Gender: Female

Age: 21

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Purple

Tail Color: Blonde

Fur Color: White

Sexual Preference: Bisexual 

Loves: Belly dancing

Hates: People pulling her tail

   Born in the arabian deserts and grew up in a small town, Raven was a natural dancer at a young age. Because of this, she was called the "gypsey mare", though it became more of an insult when she got older. Her years before being a teenager was quite peaceful, until she was 14, where soon she was getting  poked at all angles. Names, tripped, pranked on, clothes falling off, even forced to be riden sometimes, it was looking more and more like hell to her.

    At 16, she ran away, hoping to carry enough  away  from that place to survive. However, weeks later, she fainted near a porting dock, naked and starving, and was taken thinking she was some wild animal and shipped her to america.

   Once in america, she actually quickly ran away, covering her naked breasts. She ended up hiding in the Ririsu, where she actually blended in well. Soon, she meet Ziva, who was a bit curious about her, since she never meet her befor. In private, Raven told her everything she could remember about herself, including how she got here. Ziva agreed for her to have a home here, only if she worked here. She agreed and ever since, Raven has been extremely happy here, especially since she can show off her moves.