Sunflower's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

HIM0KIM0RI Global Rules
- If reselling or retrading my designs outside of, please inform me so I know where they're going!

- Do not sell my designs for higher than they were originally bought or traded for. The only exception is if they have additional art that was either paid for or received (as a general rule of thumb, if it was a free request, it will not add to the original price.)

- I discourage you from selling my designs for cheaper than what they were bought for, but if you need to, you are welcome to do so, however, note that whatever you sell them for will become the new original price.

- You may trade a design that was bought for money for art and vice versa, so long as the art/price is of equal value to the original or collective price. I'd appreciate you keep track of their value in case they are resold multiple times.

- You may change a design's species, gender, body type, etc. however you choose. It's your design now! I will ask though that there is still some credit to me somewhere.