Daard Midaav



4 years, 2 months ago



"Awww you flatter me. Tell me more about how frustrated my plan is making you."

Name: Daard Midaav
Called: Daard
Gender: male
Age: 27
Race: Bothan
Origin: Bothawui
Height: xxx
Build: slender, athletic
Demeanor: Mocking, cunning.

Physical Description:

Face: Long and narrow muzzle filled with narrow sharp teeth and has a highly expressive face

Eye colour: right eye is blue and left is pink

Fur: Short and sleek coverage on most of his body. A few longer patches like the base of the neck/shoulders and at the elbows. Upper body and face has yellow 'tattooing' to serve as his Sith tattoos

Hair: Side-cut style in the front and longer in teh back. The sidecut has horizontal yellow stripes dyed in. The back is usually secured in a ponytail

Scarring: Left ear noticably scarred and shorter than right

Posture: Often slouching and leaning. Cocky

Clothing style/inspiration: Prefers dark, more saturated colours. Layered and practical cuts. Not too tight. Enjoys tall collars. Prefers rich patterns and more luxury fabrics. Doesn't like his clawed feet covered, using only footwraps











  • Lightsaber Combat
  • Intelligent
  • Observant
  • High force potential
  • Survivalist
  • Insight through Force
  • Paranoid
  • Insanity
  • Manipulative
  • Cocky
  • Lonely
30516150_5qU4YpaEymivw70.png Quick Facts: 
  • Pink eye is Force touched and can see into the past, providing the Bothan with lots of information and secrets.
  • Shadowmaster. Daard prefers to stay in the shadows, pushing others into the light to do tasks or take the fall for things. Could likely easily make the level of Darth but he prefers to stay unnoticed.
  • Easily able to see the larger picture and make connections betweeen information and events. Allowing him to make elaborate and successful schemes.
  • Hides his true self behind the manipulations and arrogance. Really loves romance, history, and poetry.

Secretive and shady. Enjoys pushing buttons and provoking emotion, especially from a safe distance.
Often comes across as fully in control and cocky. Puts forth a very strong front that is hard to find the cracks in.

Knowledge and Schooling
After ending up a Force-sensitive Sith slave, he was taught in the ways of the Sith. Surrendering to emotion and using that to fuel ambition and power. In that enviornment Daard learned to use those heightened emotions around him to manipulate and create space and security for himself.
Much of his knowledge can come from his Force ability that really never turns 'off'. Gaining him random phantoms from the past that gives him various details of a place of a person. Because of this sight he is well read in history, fact checkin the things he's seen.

Beliefs and Morals (spiritual/religious and social)
Growing up and living in such harsh, competative, and often brutal conditions has left him distrustful and selfish just to survive. He always has had to look out for himself and any 'cooperation' was either thorugh force or manipulation. The stronger led the weak. Weakness needed to be avoided and weakness in others was fair game for exploiting. He hold little empathy for others as none has ever been spared for him.

Family Values
Not family oriented or minded. Family is a weakness that can be used and exploited.

Political Views
Has some understanding on politics but largely likes to stay out of it and just lay low doing his own thing. Or working a political angle through proxy. Groomed in the Sith and in totalitarian ideals, thats really all he knows and understands. The ways of democracy and socialist structures just don't make sense in how they can function and be sustainable. People are too greedy and self-centered for such ideals. Strong lead. Weak follow.

Technology Views
Enjoys technology but isn't an expert. Mostly a user.

Prejudices or Strong Distrusts
Distrusts nearly everyone. Sincerity and kindness are things viewed as suspicion and a manipulation tactic than anything to be believed.
Distrusts reality at times. His sight being always active is slowly driving him mad. Its getting more and more difficult to tell reality from the phantoms of the past.
Distrusts the Jedi and their ideals

Goals and Motivations
Survival mostly. Trying to carve out some measure of space he can find peace in that he doesn't need to be in constant guard. Where he can actually relax and find comfort.
Would love to feel less lonely.

Huge fear of appearing weak. Weakness was always a thing to be capitolized and used in his world. So weakness is intolerable.
Another large fear is rejection. Though this one is more subconcious. He craves acceptance and understanding and kindness. But fears asking for it in case he's rejected.

Combat Style
Close-range physical combat.
Agile and quick, but dirty fighting. He will try to end it quickly for he's not a strong fighter like many other Force-users can be.
He will kill to get out of trouble and escape. Works best when he has surprise advantage. Though he'd much much rather fight with words and blackmaile and manipulation. Which is much more likely than a actual fight.

Force Powers

21090343_hTjH8mC7YzKVYfk.png Background Story


[ Rival/Lover ] The pair share a complex relationship. Mostly rivals they become lovers after a fashion after years of banter and strife.


[ Aquaintence ] Being Trevhar's padawan it is hard to not know the young twilek from that. Both of them on a way bond over the fact Ano doesn't judge Daard and both are Trevhar fans.


[ xxxx ] xxxxxxxxx
