


4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

initial worth


current worth

$90, 1250 da, 1150 ac




Villain I'm Not
3 Days Grace

01 — Profile

Name Amon
Nicknames n/a
Age 29
Gender male ( he/him )
Height 17"4
Birthdate unknown
Species PeakWing
Orientation. Gay
Occupation unemployed

Status alive
Designer @ scenery.skullz
Worth $90

  • His eyes have a slight pink tint to them

  • Amon's hair tuft is very soft and poofy

  • Both of his top canine teeth have been replaced with golden teeth. They were ripped out at a young and and never grew back.

  • His necklaces must always be drawn

  • Both sets of his horns curve upward.

  • His tail scales are the same colour as his main body. The only difference is the edge is an orange/gold colour

  • He hardly ever smiles, and when he does it never looks right.
02 — Personality

Amon is rude and cold to the outside world, never wanting to partake in any activities or things that might involve him for more than 2 seconds. He would rather be secluded from everyone else, but travels every now and then to get food in markets or from travelers.

He hardly talks to anyone who might try to strike a conversation, often running them away within the first few minutes of them aproaching.

He is also very violent, having severely injured many in the past and almost killing 2. Atlas is the only dragon he can tolerate, and the only dragon who can tolerate him.


  • being alone

  • Atlas (his husband)

  • ponds

  • full moons

  • bright daylight

  • repetative sounds

  • large groups

  • being talked to
03 — Background


Amon was born to a large family of magick practicers and users. His mother and father loved him, as they were his only son and they took pride in him. They wanted him to become a strong magick user like the rest of the family had. His mother and father both schooled him, and his aunts and uncles all taught him different types of magick in hopes of finding his natural talent. When he was of age, his family gathered to perform a luck spell/ritual for him. However, during the ritual, one of his relatives sabatoged the spell and trapped a demon named Xenos inside of his body. His mother and father never learned of this until years later.

The luck ritual seemed to work fine, seeing as Amon soon found his natural magick ability. However, the demon's presence in his body amplified those abilities, turning what was once a helpful ability into a destructive one.


Amon soon became more violent as a result of Xenos feeding his anger. He was quick to get angered, and would often break things on accident. His parents learned of the sabotoge all those years ago and quickly tried to supress Xenos' power. His mother and father, alongside a few other family members, enchanted a necklace and pendant to keep Xenos dormant. However, the spell on the pendant wavers whenever the moon is full, or is close to full.


Amon left home to keep his family safe when he turned 25. Xenos was causing him to hurt his family, and he hated seeing them in pain. He shut himself out, choosing to move from place to place in search of a deserted place to call his home. He met Atlas on a rainy night when he was taking shelter in a cave. Xenos has taken over Amon's body as a result of his weakened state and the full moon. Atlas, however, was able to put Xenos in check. This allowed Amon to break from Xenos' control.

Since their encounter, Amon and Atlas have spent the remaining years together. Atlas brought Amon to his home, where the two currently live. Amon proposed to Atlas outside their home by the pond, and have been together ever since.

04 — Trivia

  • Amon's natural magick ability is healing magick, but when Xenos took control he was doing more harm than good.

  • His most common expression is deadpan, and his eyes are empty.

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05 — Relationships


Atlas lived with Amon for 4 years before being proposed to. They got married shortly after.


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