Haru's Comments

Would you accept ac for em?

sure how much are you offering? :0

how much are you looking for? i forgot the worth of those lol

well they were og 150 ac but they have gotten art sooo, idk just offer xd

How's 300 and a few doodles sound? like 3 or 4 things in this style

ww, wwww, w, www

imma def accept that bc it seems like you like drawings birds and i cant for crap xd, im in furry amino,toyhouse amino,CoinAdopts amino, and Adopts amino, and you can draw anyone in this folder, you can even go out side of the folder if you dont like anyone in there, i really dont care xd

whats your user? same as here?
also yeah i love birds and drawing them, not many people can but i hope you can learn how if youre trying

yup same user, unless its on furry amino, then its Ytheurh
and yes i love birds, but suck at drawing them and keep trying

hi! just checking up to know if you found my account :0
or still wanting this bby

2 Replies