


9 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info





Skin Color:

Dark purple, almost black. Lighter purple when stretched.



Love Interest:



██████████ : Strength :
██████████ : Defense:
██████████ : Agility :
██████████ : Intelligence :
██████████ : Charisma :

: Resolve : ██████████
: Vitality :
: Dexterity :
     : Focus :
: Social :

Concerning Mechul's tentacles and expressionsThe more tentacles that Mechul grants himself by stretching his body, or the further he stretches himself the lighter in color he becomes. He does have a mouth, although it is harder to see because of his skull but, when he does smile or frown (or make any other expression with his mouth) it is over exaggerated and looks far too large/wide for his face.
 If you do couple art of these two we would appreciate if you reflect the fact that, as of this moment, Mechul desperately wants to be physically affectionate with Pursey. He wants to stroke his ears, touch his tail, his furry thighs... Pretty much any sweet, affectionate gesture though its met with disgust and rejection. But that's alright. He'll keep trying.

Clothing Preferences:

Suits. Does not wear anything but suits. Days off? Suits. Date night? Suit. Bed? Well... Probably naked.
Almost always wears black leather gloves.
 He will never wear a black suit and prefers grey or blue in colors.
 Has a strong liking for pinstriped suits and wingtip shoes.
 His ties and pocket squares always match and are usually bright and obnoxious colors.
 Has an ever expanding collection of odd and bizarre cuff links. The more demonic/Satanic looking, the more he'll love it.


Personality / About:

Mechul is very much a business man and acts as such. Everything, in his mind, can be bought and has, on several occasions, tried to buy Pursey. He just hasn't found the right price yet.
 He is very determined when it comes to getting his way and will stop at nothing till he wins. Won't take 'no' for an answer.
 Very competitive.
 Has an obsession for oddities and has many strange or weird artifacts in his home and office displayed much like trophies.
 Prideful and perhaps a bit vain.

Feelings / Treatment towards Pursey:
 Loves him.
 Loves his snarky ass attitude. Loves Pursey's hatred towards him, his fiery passion and jackass-itude.
 Wants to be with him every waking moment and finds the challenge of getting close to Pursey to be one hell of a delightful game.

Physical Features of Note:
 The skull DOES NOT come off. You cannot draw him without the skull. It is part of his head. He would die without it.
 The skull is modeled off of a typical bear skull and can be drawn with a missing right fang if so desired.
 While he is considered a slime monster or goo boy, he has a much thicker density and is more solid than liquid.
 He is able to shape his body, granting himself tentacles, that can literally sprout from any place on his body (save from the skull). However, in doing so, it stretches his body thin and his color will change from the deep purple, almost black, to a lighter shade of greyish purple at his stretching points.
 The jaw of the skull acts as Mechul's upper jaw and because of such, his lower lip/jaw is somewhat hard to see at certain angles. However, considering that his lower jaw isn't actually bone like the skull, it is quite flexible and he uses this to his advantage to over exaggerate his expressions. Unlike a person of human nature his grin can literally stretch 'from ear to ear'

Quirks / Trivia:

- Has a strange allure to psychotic behavior and has dated many a crazy in his past.
 - Would give Pursey anything, all he need do is ask for it.
 - Has the density and texture of a gummy bear candy.
 - Is totally hiring Pursey for random kills he's picked out of the phone book just for the chance to talk to him.
 - Is CEO of a major potion manufacturer and enjoys the cutthroat nature of the business.
 - Is insanely easy to get drunk.
 - Highly flammable.
 - While not recommended, if one was to lick and/or bite Mechul, he'd taste much like black licorice.
 - Has no nipples.