


4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Justin of Istus

Age: 26

Personality: Justin is a just king who is merciless towards evil-doers. He is kind and compassionate towards good people and his code is to always respect the elderly and children and to do them no harm. He cherishes his friends and allies and will always be there to protect them. He also respects oaths he has made and is a man of his word. He is however reckless with his plans and does not think things through very well, prioritizing action over thoughts. 


King Justin is the son of the late King of Istus. The latter has participated in many wars in order to rule out all evil in the world. Ever since, the world had become a haven of peace. Justin, however, has become the target of many assassins for that reason. Many other kings and queens want him gone so that they can get rid of King Istus' legacy and rule the world to their liking. Justin, faced with such hardships, must find a way to bring back order to the world, which has gotten darker and more dangerous in spite of the absence of war.