1. Superbia



4 years, 1 month ago


Basic Info
Pride, Arrogance
Seven Deadly Sins

"There is no way anyone will ever be better than me, just look at all my achievements!"

Voiced by honeyrevenge

  • Fights
  • Strong, determined People
  • Her Sword
  • Compliments
  • Weaklings and Scared People
  • Andromalius
  • Long Speeches
  • Not really a Fan of her Siblings, would rather be alone
  • She does not understand the concept of selflessness due to being so selfish
  • Superbia is actually sensitive about her flaws but will never admit them, ever. Nobody can get her to admit them
  • Superbia is very perceptive and knows thing's about her opponents most can never get knowledge of.
  • Superbia think's her Sin is the best and the most powerful Sin of them all.
Prideful . Confident . Strong . ENTJ

Superbia is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, she resembels Pride. She is exactly what you would a Person fully proud of herself imagine like. She makes sure that everyone knows her name and knows about her achievements, just to make sure everyone knows that she is something special and better than everyone else. Like all the other Seven Deadly Sins she has existed since the Beginning of time, which leads to her having enough of glorious Stories to tell. She comes off very calm, not too agressive like you would expect from a fighter Type like her, but she always has an arrogant look on her face and if anyone dares to disrespect her or try to overthrone her, she can get angry and will make sure no one ever tries that again. She appears very bossy and confident, totally full of herself. In every single War and in all Great Battles, she has to be on the front line, to add more achievements to her List and make herself more famous.


Superbia existed since the Beginnning of Time and remebers every Moment of it, which adds to her unique skills. She has a great memory and has participated in every big battle known so far, be it on the Human or Demon Side. It is her Tradition to have a fight with every Demon King, once they change every 500 Years. Until now she has managed to beat every single of them and would even be able to take out the Cerberus. No one except for her has ever won against every king, so she is full of Pride for that. There is only 1 Battle she has ever lost, which was against Lucifer himself. The scar on her face was made by Lucifer, which she asked him to do to show her respect for him. After she lost the battle her pride let Lucifer gain one wish as the winner, so Lucifer ordered her to serve Hell for eternity, which she is still doing to this day, supporting all Kings of Hell as a great Soldier. Every time the Kings change, she battles against everyone of them and the one who gains the most respect of her during the battle, by showing off what they can, she will serve under. She is still considered a free Person, but she chooses her King herself.


Her Playlist

Paimon | Relationship

After the change of Kings, Paimon had to fight against Superbia like all the other Kings. He is the one Superbia respected the most, as he was the strongest out of all them, he even managed to almost defeat her, which no one has ever come close to for 30000 Years. She serves his Territory now and supports his Great Army with her Skills. Even though she doesn´t admit it, she is fond of Paimon´s Leadership and Strategic Skills, which is the reason why she even likes working for him.

Avaritia | Relationship

Avaritia is one of her younger Brothers and the Deadly Sin of Greed. Both of them don´t have a close relationship to each other and tend to go their own ways avoiding each other. Avaritia doesn´t care for her Battle Skills only for the Treasures, that she brings back from her Fights, while Superbia hates how Avaritia takes everything and wants everything without fighting for it by himself. Superbia:

Voiced by honeyrevenge