Florence Hébert



7 years, 5 months ago


Florence Hébert

Name Florence Hébert
Nickname Flo
Age 18
Birthday October 21th
Gender Cisgender Female
Sexuality Pansexual


Height 5'10
Build Skinny, athletic
Skin Pale
Eyes Blue-green
Hair Jet black
Features Confident smile, tall, three piercings on her left ear.


Personality • Simple minded • Talkative • Loud • Hot tempered • Competitive • Playful • Doltish • Impatient • Temperamental • Childish.
Hobbies • Hockey • Running • Collecting stamps • Nail art
Skills Sports, causing trouble, martial arts
Likes • Junk food • Cute animals • Stuffies • Tea • Pranks • Talking • Gossip • Action • Horror movies • Fashion
Dislikes • Sitting around doing nothing • Bugs • Using her brain • Riddles, puzzles, Sudoku • Indecision • The rain


Florence is the youngest member of a French family of seven consisting of her mom, her dad, her two twin sisters, her brother, her cat Flout, and herself. All her siblings are conventional examples of role model making her wonder if she was adopted before quickly shrugging off those thoughts. Her sisters were the top of their class and her brother was the school's valedictorian but herself on the other hand was far from being academically gifted, and wouldn't even be considered amazing at sports even though she had great enthusiasm and was above average when it came to athletics. Physical education is the one class that she enjoyed and where she could deploy her tremendous energy freely. She does not like any academic class besides French, but only because she was good at it compared to her non-native French classmates. Another thing that Flo excels at would be causing trouble and pulling up pranks on others, which often got her into tough situations and many detentions. She just couldn't help talking to her neighbors, or snoring, or aiming a little ball of paper towards the teacher's head during those boring classes... She never regretted it though. There was something about living life on the edge that kept her going and made her feel alive.

She easily gets annoyed, and lets her emotions get the better of her. If she's angry, she will not hold it in and will make sure that the people know about it. She never stays mad for long, and will sincerely apologize after she calms down and realize that she was in the wrong. Although her athletic side is similar to that of a tomboy, she likes looking good by choosing clothes carefully and matching them with accessories. Accessories are a pain when she wants to run around, but as her fashionable sisters would say with a wink, "looking bomb comes with price". She also would not go out without at least drawing her brows on and some mascara at the expense of being late. She would also retouch her makeup after sweating during sports.

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