🌿 Pester 🏰



4 years, 2 months ago


Basic Info 
Name Peter "Pester" Ambrose Harlequin
Age 20
GENDER Male (He/Him)
SPECIES Fae/Faerie
RESIDENCY Dreamland Garden
HEIGHT 5'1" (can shrink)
LOVE STATUS Taken, Married
BUILD Chubby
ORIENTATION Pansexual (male lean)
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral
  • Uhhh... "Intercourse"
  • Springtime
  • His husband, Leo
  • Being spoiled
  • Being insulted
  • Having his wings toughed
  • Children
  • Loneliness
  • Wings and antennae are optional, he can hide them with his magic.
  • Tends to be very bipolar.
  • Vines on neck are permanent, and can't be removed.
  • Very good at his job, and really enjoys entertaining others.
  • tBa

Sassy . Flirtatious . Dramatic . Hot-Headed

Usually confident and poised, Pester is friendly and eager to socialize. When he's upset, though, he breaks down quite easily, whether it be anger or sadness. He's not afraid to take revenge, often snapping at even the slightest insult. He can't seem to take no for an answer, either. 


Pester, born Peter, grew up in a fae village not too far from Dreamland, originally under the care of both parents. That fizzled out when they were divorced around the time he was 11. His mother left the village, and he lived with his dad, getting into trouble and dipping into the bad crowd at school. All this free time got him bad habits, and some tangle-ups with an incredibly creepy professor who was supposed to be giving him individual lessons in Incantations. After a while, around age 13, he was kidnapped and given to a very brash and cynical demon, who pushed him around in ways a child really shouldn’t have been. 

After about a year of that, he built up his magic and blinded his captor, escaping. He flew and flew until he reached a town out east. Here, he found himself frequenting bars and taverns, talking his way into trouble. He gigged himself up as a s/x worker, and reeled in plenty enough money to rent out rooms at inns, and eat comfortably, when he wasn’t in someone else’s bed. He learned enough about the real world, and what not to do, from the worst side of it. Eventually, he got a reputation in the local tavern for cracking witty jokes, and spewing out tunes on his fiddle. So, he decided he’d quit his current work, and go somewhere that needed a court jester…  

Luckily, for “Pester” as he’d dubbed himself, the first place he happened upon at 16 years old was looking just for that. He applied, and scored his spot as Jester for dreamland. He constantly hung around the garden, and the king’s room, preferring to stay by him and entertain him. Not long after, he met Leo.. and, well, you know what happened from there. 

Now, he’s quite young still, but happily married. And while the king may not be the same, his spirit for putting smiles on other’s faces remained, allowing him to keep his job as Jester. Albeit, for a king who doesn’t enjoy humor.. or company for that matter. 

All that’s important now to him is living his best life while he can.


Leo (Alexander Smith) | Husband

Leo is the executioner for the kingdom of Dreamland. He's tall, strong, hot and sadistic- everything you'd expect from a vampire like him. Leo loves his little jester with his whole heart. Pester enjoys his company very much as well, and the two of them get along 99% of the time. Would they be married if they didn't? That's what i thought.

(Former King) Pix Elman | Former Ruler 

Pix is the former king of Dreamland, having passed the throne on to his son Luxi after divorcing the queen. He and Pester used to get along very well with the latter being a very good jester. They still talk, despite how the cards have played out, and are on good terms. Pester still slips up sometimes and calls him king.

Nicolaas van Amstel | Frenemy

Nico is on both good and bad terms with Pester, due to a clash-in the former had with Leo. Pester's trying his best to work through past troubles, and get on good footing with him. He sees a lot of himself in Nico, and wants to help and get along with him rather than make things worse.