✧Akai Iwao✧



4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Akai Iwao

Hero Name: Tremor

Age: 17

Height: 170 cm (5’6)

Body Type: Has broader shoulders and large thighs from copious exercise.

Status: Student at U.A (Class 2A)

Personality: Iwao has a very strong personality. He cares a lot for friendship and easily puts trust in other people. He tends to joke around a lot and does not like it when situations get too serious because it causes him a lot of anxiety. He also tends to put others before himself. He also loud mouthed and somewhat of an idiot. (He relies on physical strength rather then tactical)
Quirk: Earth Manipulation: The user of this quirk can move and control any raw mineral, such as dirt, rocks, and sand in large quantities. The user can also send mini earthquakes towards opponents, using mineral vibration. In some cases, the user will be able to make ravine by parting large quantities of minerals.

Cons of quirk: It is hard for the user to control how big earthquakes get and how much damage it can cause. The user of this quirk, also usually has very dirty and dry hands.

Backstory: Iwao when his quirk first manifested had a lot of attention and people telling him he should pursue a hero career, Iwao at the time had a really hard time focusing and studying so instead of pursuing something he loved himself, he decided to train to become a hero. He got into U.A. on a scholarship.

Reason for going to U.A: To earn easy money and to have a debt-free future. (And because he has an underlying feeling that he’s not good at anything else).
