
4 years, 2 months ago


Name Blake Beckett
Species Human (magic user)
Age Mid teens
Height content
Gender Male
Pronouns He/him
Orientation Gay
Relationship Status Single
Occupation idk

Status Alive
Designer PhoeniXXTalon
Worth your toenails


Blake seems like a jerk at first since he makes of everyone around him, but he's probably just insecure and means no harm. He mostly just teases everyone anyway, but if he thinks he went too far he usually apologizes immediately afterward, especially if he's not talking to someone he knows well. He loves soda and fluffy things, but he tries to make it seem as cool and dignified as possible by wearing an epic fluffy coat collar. He's very close with Allie, because despite outwardly seeming like her polar opposite, he really admires her knack for robotics and looks past her slow learning. He tries his best not to make fun of her, since he isn't particularly a genius himself, and he doesn't want her to misunderstand his intentions.

He hates chores and sometimes needs space, but is very defensive of his friends. Overall, he's a harmless idiot with a good heart. While he tends to put himself first for trivial things, he'll always act selfless when it really matters. His "insults" are all like "Imagine wearing socks with sandals. I bet you like pineapple on pizza too." He likes video games, and Allie has gotten him to try out programming a bit too, although he's not very good at it. He has lots of stuffed animals, but they're mostly "cool" animals like sharks and tigers.

His magic style not very pretty, but it's powerful. It's usually explosive and messy. It's not exactly volatile like Dakota's, but it is best for destructive magic.