Candi Wood



7 years, 6 months ago


"I'm a kinda fly by the seat of your pants gal."
Cassandra Wood (Ahamadi)
June 19th
Bisexual (usually men-)
Former Sex Worker
  • Booze
  • Surfing
  • Hawaiian Beaches
  • Hot, Rough Sex
  • Riling Baha Up-
  • Being Looked Down Upon
  • Her Past Being Brought Up
  • Getting Told No
  • Baha's Mom

Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii (at least for her first 10 years), Candi is a firecracker of a lady with a soul as bright as her red hair. At a young age her mother breathed into her a love for life, and she's found that even after more than a decade since her passing, she's still trying to live by those teachings. Those first ten years of her life were spent in paradise, with her free spirited mom and serious military dad. But then her mother grew ill and passed away, and almost immediately afterwards, her father was reassined to a different base, all the way across the country. Things were tough for couple of years, and just as she was starting to find some comfort in a new normal, her father remarried again. Her stepmother had an opposite partenting style to her own mother, which Candi didn't take to very well. As she approached adolecence, she began to act out, and become rebellious.

As a teen, Candi became mixed up with the wrong friends, specifically one older boy. She started skipping school, going to parties, and pushing every boundary that her stepmom set for her. With the help of her 19 year old boyfriend, she became the wild child of that woman's nightmares. But it was all fun and games until big mistakes lead to big consequenses. After a tramatizing breakup and a big fight with her stepmom, 15-year-old Candi ran away from home, sleeping on friend's couches and trying to lose herself in the world. She returned home after a month, but it wasn't long until she left again, beginning the cycle of home again, gone again. At seventeen she decided to leave town completely, and took up work as a stripper that gave... special shows for guests that tipped particularly well. Of course this didn't bode well for the club owners... But this didn't stop her. She was working at her third club when she met Buck and Boss, where the two recruited her into the professional buisness.

  • Pretty good at surfing, though she got a little rusty after years of living on the mainland.
  • Has a lot of extended family still in Hawaii- And they all still call her by her childhood nickname, "Cassie"
  • She took on the name "Candi" in highschool, in part as a rebellion against her step-mother. It was her ex who started it, and it just stuck with her.
  • The shark tooth necklace she wears was one of the last things her mother gave her.
  • Has a tattoo of a shark and pink flowers on her right shoulder.

Boyfriend/ Babydaddy


Baha Ahamadi

The man who's stolen her heart- not that she really minds. She never thought she'd be the type to settle down until she met Baha... and kept meeting him. Needlesss to say, the two messed around too much and caught feelings for each other. Now she can't imagine her life without him... And the cute kid they made doesn't hurt either. ;)

Best Bro


Buck Sterling

Her best friend, this dude is like a brother to her, really. The two are certainly a duo, and it's always a party when they get together. She owes a lot to him though, for taking her under his wing at one of the lowest points of her life. They're best bros for life.



Cash "Boss"

Her adult-life father figure, he and Buck pretty much picked her up out of the gutter and took a chance on her. Even after she stops working for him, she still looks up to Boss, and he still keeps in contact with her to be sure she's alright.