Demonlord Matthew



4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Matthew Hunter
Age: 30

Gender: Male 

Race: Archdemon/ Demonlord 

Titles: Ravenman, Matt, Lord Matthew, Heretic

Eyes: Red 

Hair: Dark Blue 

Horns: Black 

Wings: Feathers (Black) 

Sexuality: Bisexual

Boyfreind: Dewster (Dewey) 

Ex Girlfriend: Xeon De La Rey 

Enemy: Curessa, Lenard and Xeon De La Rey 

Magic: Blood, Necromancy, Abyssal 

Personality: Jester, Fickle, Smug, Clever, Masochistic 

Info: A strange man not known by many unless he feels like he wants to be known by someone, an example of this would be his first lover Xeon a noble woman who craved more power but he felt that after helping her twice to get what she wanted that she was just using him for his power alone, and thus tricked her with a Reaper's Kiss, a deadly rose that can either bring someone back from death or outright ends them but he didn't mention that part, the 2nd favour he did was hook her up with 3 powerful Lich Dragons whom have put her under a contract to serve them in exchange for untold magic.
But after Xeon learned of his deceite she turned on Matt and tried to kill him with her new necromatic powers but failed has he left in a fluffy of feathers and an echo of laughter.

In the 80's Matt was more of a bad boy and would often ride on his motorcycle and one night when he was in a bar he found his new love in a vampire named Dewster who he help him feel complete as a man since Dewster is a transgender male, as this would be more practical  than having to go through a sex change via a hospital in exchange they must stay together in love of which was agreed to. 

He love Dewster with all his heart and lets him drink his blood as often as he likes which makes them both happy, though matthew is still adjusting to the more modern times and is soon to buy more modern clothing.