Hyena catherine's Comments

Hey, I hope this isn't rude but can I ever be reminded when she is for sale? I really love her design :D 


We meet again lol, sure ill let u know when she's for sale

SO..... Anyone else i need to notify u for? XD

I feel hella bad, how freaking rude of me, but thanks!  ;-; 

Also uh... Krampus, I...I like him too. He baby ;-;

haha np, one thing tho if i ever sell krampus he will be sold together with his wife. i want them to stay togeter u know

AWWW, I will love that! I have offered characters before with a whole ass family attached like a husband, a wife, and a child cause I love those, so I understand ;-;

yes its not bcs they are fictional that they dont deserve love lol

1 Replies

I would like to offer 15$ for her

i would accept 20!

15$ is all i can offer atm but ill let u know when i got 20$

okie doke!!!

hey sorry for taking so long , can i still buy her?

no worries! yes you can

5 Replies

Is she for sale?


The price on her toyhouse says 10$, so could I offer 10$ cad?

minimum offer is $10! id probably take 20 for her, also not sure if paypal converts that to usd? not very familiar with this, so sorry lol

Ah yeah I mentioned cad since I can only afford that, since if I send in usd it will cost more for me to send to you...I’m sorry to bother though! I didn’t know 10 was the minimum, I don’t know how toyhouse selling works, she really is a pretty character though and your art is lovely💖💖

no worries!! thank you so much, thats so sweet of you to say! :>c

1 Replies