Willow Wicca



9 years, 2 months ago


Name: Willow Wicca
Age: 25
Gender: Female

When Willow was born, her parents suddenly left the hospital. Nobody knows what happened to them. Willow bounced back and forth from foster home to foster home. Finally when she turned 18, she applied to be a model and got a job at Dark Side Magazine. After 3 years of being a model, she became one of the top models in the Dark Side industry. At 22, she wanted something more but didn’t know what. So one of her model friends told her to make a website on what she loves most, and that’s what she did, she created Hex.Com, a website for people who like Witchcraft and all that other good stuff. At first it was just a hobby, and then it became much bigger, people wanted more. More spells, more advice, more everything! So she gave it to them, she hired people to work for her and then made her website bigger adding new features and apps. Business was blooming and before she knew it, she was richer then she had ever imagined.

Willow is a hardworking Mismagious, building her website from the ground up; she worked her butt off since day one. That being, she can be a bit nasty on the first encounter, but after a while she is a kind person. She can be a bit of a prankster, being a mismagious and all, but her pranks aren’t very serious. Willow can have a bit of a temper, but she can control it... Most of the time, though sometimes she can let her anger get ahead of her.