Verve (Verve (Shattered Glass))



2 years, 7 months ago


Gender: Non-Binary

Pronouns: They/Them

Age: ~11 million years

Race: Cybertronian 

Orientation: Bisexual Aromantic

Alt-mode: Helicopter

Personality: Pragmatic, serious, driven, goal-oriented, cold

Verve originally joined the Decepticons filled with a passion for the cause, and a desire to serve their faction wholeheartedly. They became a Spec-Ops agent, their keen focus and cool-headed composure in life or death situations making them well-suited to the position. As the years went on though, they started to loose patience with the longevity of the war. Despite being good at it, they detest taking lives and even with their ability to detach themselves from the actions necessary in war, they had reached their upper limit for acts of violence. However they know that in war, violence is often the only action that has results.

For this reason, they've abandoned their position in the Decepticons, despite having rose to high ranks and being trusted in their loyalty. They felt that they were being held on too short of a leash within the Decepticons, and are tired of adhering to Megatron's ideas of "protocol" and "honor". They've decided to take matters into their own servos and advance the end of the war themselves, by using their spec-ops skills to assassinate The Autobot Council. While skilled, getting close enough to The Council, let alone Cybertron itself, is a difficult endeavor, but they're hellbent on this task, and will use any means at their disposal to do so. Their distaste for violence has been set aside, and while they take no pleasure in it, manipulating others is also not off the table.

Xenaut, impressionable and unstable as he is, is a prime target for manipulation. His loyalty to Primus rather than to the Autobots can be used to alter his priorities, and ultimately set him on his own faction, either as a distraction, or as a close ally. Verve does feel bad for Xenaut, but in their mind his sanity is beyond salvaging, and using him as a tool for an ultimately a good cause is perfectly justifiable.

- SG Verve's characterization is meant to contrast their main iterration, who deals with their distaste for war by abandoning it entirely, thinking that their involvement in the war is ultimately pointless. SG Verve has elected to become more involved, and attempt to influence it almost single-handedly.
- SG Verve is not easily influenced by the actions of others, and in fact does not hesitate to manipulate those close to them to see an end goal met. Their counterpart in the main universe is easily cowed into compliance simply because they detest conflict. SG Verve has no such reservations about facing conflict head-on, or even starting it, if it is the most pragmatic solution to a situation.