Sly Cooper



4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Sly Cooper

Gender: Male

Creator: DarkDragon 

Obtained: March 30, 2020

Pet Obtained: April 25, 2020

Pet Creator: MidnightShadowWolf 

Pet Name: Copper 

Sexuality: Bi, Polygamist 

Extra: Custom for 350 Points

Pet Cost: 40 Points 

Mates: Kitsune *cosmopatches*

What are you looking for in a mate?: Someone who would not mind that he desires two mates instead of one. As well as some who is willing to follow him into the family business. (He is a thief that steals from other criminals.) Preferable some who has multiple tails or is fox like. 

Personality: Cunning, devious, intelligent, strong, and loyal.

Bio: Sly was orphaned at a young age. He grew up and became a thief. He makes his living stilling from other criminals. His loyalty is to is friends. Sly has always desired to have a family of his own. During breeding the spring breeding season (2020) Sly had two temporary mates so that he could have children. He adores his son Tennessee and daughter Sting. One day he hopes to find mates that want to join his ever growing family.