Ace (Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon))



4 years, 5 months ago


Name: Ace
Gender: Cis Male
Age: 35 (looks 19)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5’9

Occupation: Demon

Blood Demon art: Non Existence
Description: When he uses his Blood Demon Art, his existence is wiped clean, no-one can see or sense him, and any memory of him is wiped while its activated, Muzan is the only one this doesn’t affect.


-Personal Information-

Likes:  Sweets,
Dislikes: Muzan, Hate, Fear, Blood and gore, Demons
Habits: Non-existent due to Muzan’s control
None, No hobbies allowed
Fears: Eternity, Muzan, Upper Demons,
Personality Traits: Selfless, Nervous, Creative, Blunt, Placid, Easily Discouraged, Empathetic
(Note: all of these emotions are blurry from constant empathy interference and the collar)



-Extremely weak physically, he has no demon strength at all; he has the same strength as when he was a human.
-Another demons Blood Demon Art has enchanted his collar to keep him under the control of Muzan, as well as regulating his emotions and powers.
-  He has retained all of his memories after transformation.
- He is the most human Demon in existence.
- Ace was one of the subjects of an experiment in which Muzan was seeing if certain amounts of his blood could have different effects on the subject. Ace was one of the only survivors.
- He does not have transformation capabilities, and only his eyes, ears and mouth changed with the original transformation.
-His background ability is “Empathy” in which he can feel every single emotion someone feels within a 100 metre distance.
- Muzan refuses to mind read him, because he is internally screaming all day, unable to stop feeling the bloodlust, fear and anger surrounding him when within his presence.
- He is used as a spy primarily, since he can pass as a human with a few tweaks.
-he is also used in interrogations and meetings to identify ‘unsavoury’ emotions from his subjects.
- To demons, he smells EXTRA delicious compared to a human, because he was a) a mariachi when he was human, and B) still partly human, and thus a unique smelling species.
-His collar, which keeps in his emotions and human reactions, does not work if there is a perfect barrier of wisteria between him and the Demon.
-Wisteria doesn’t kill him, but makes him extremely ill.



Father- His father wasn’t a nice person, so Ace did not like speaking of him after he died.
Mother- She abandoned him after Ace got his father killed, so he doesn’t like her that much, but misses her regardless.

-Canon Characters-

The Pillars- Does not know them personally, but stalks them to relay information when they are either on a job or not in a wisteria protected area.
Muzan- Terrified shitless of him and his emotions, but is unable to react or fight back due the collar.
Upper Demon Moons- Dislikes them immensely, hates their emotions, or lack thereof.
Douma- this emotionless demon constantly harasses him, and isn’t afraid to get up in his bubble, he won’t stop touching him and Ace despises it.

-Other People’s OC’s-
(if you wanna know how Ace would get along with your Ocs, just ask!)