


4 years, 2 months ago


Beastars OC








Although he doesn't look like it Miles is very friendly. He tries to be outgoing and laid back. He has a strong sense of responsibility and justice. He is very passionate and competitive. He is often found hyping or cheering someone up.  He is painfully aware of his appearance, and sees how he can make someone uncomfortable, so he struggles with first impressions he is often awkward and tries desperately to find something to connect about. He is extremely loyal and holds a grudge. Some find him odd and dorky. Even if Miles is a raccoon he hates to stereotype and doesn't think himself to fit in it. He is always trying to push himself to new limits and feels as though he can never be satisfied. This is very reckless and dangerous behavior. He does this to prove his self worth to himself.


  •  Although he needs glasses he only wears them half of the time. Miles only wears his glasses for academic proposes otherwise you'll see him squinting, though it looks like he's glaring through the world. 
  • He has a resting bitch-face
  • In the sports club/Boxing
  • He can more or less be guaranteed to have bandages on his hands from practicing so much.
  • He gets unresponsive and grumpy when he doesn't get enough sleep.
  • Often times he has bags underneath is eyes.
  • Loses sleep due to long hours of practicing.
  • He gets super energized late at night. 
  • His sleeping schedule is all sorts of messed up.
  • Wants to be a body guard or in the army. 
  • He stands at 5'8 but has a horrible habit of hunching.
  • Loves milk, strawberry milk especially, it's his comfort food.
  • When he was little he used to be bullied because of his weight and accent. 
  • He swears if he ever encounters his past tormentors he'll beat the shit outta them.
  • Miles has a southerner accent, but hides it because he is embarrassed of it. 
  • He has a elder brother and Mother back at home.
  • His father past away when he was in middle school during a war.
  • He tries to follow in his brother and father's footsteps by playing the same sport at them. 
  • He has pretty good grades but struggles to pay attention to things he doesn't find interesting. 
  • Because he is always trying to squeeze in practice time Miles' uniform is always messy from quickly changing. He always finds himself being dress coded for this.