
7 years, 7 months ago


Name: Kaede (kye-day)
Name Origin: Japanese; this name means, "Maple Leaf."
Gender: Male (he, him)
Age: 22
Species: Canine
    Breed: French Spaniel
Orientation: Bisexual (aromantic)
Birthday: March 9th
Zodiac: Pisces
Parents: --
Residence: Harbor in Japan
Occupation: Currently, Kaede is one of five major executives belonging to a rather large 'pack' of strays. 
Personality: Kaede often sports a blasé attitude towards the other strays, as it's incredibly difficult to impress him. Despite his false display of friendliness, he is incredibly cruel. He won't stop until he gets what he wants - and if that means taking a life or two in the process, he will. He is well-known for his interrogation skills; so much so, that, in some cases, the perpetrator ends up confessing before he even begins (from his reputation alone). Kaede finds a bit of difficulty in developing trust in others, and as such, he has few friends that he genuinely considers his companions. That being said, he is loyal enough that he will ensure their safety (to some extent, anyway). 
Background: Not much is known about his past, prior to his involvement in the mafia. Although it isn't proven, many believe that his father was once a high-ranking member of the mafia - before disappearing, without so much as a trace. Kaede appeared two years after the member's disappearance, at age eighteen, and rose quickly through the ranks. If asked, he avoids or ignores the questions in regards to his past. He seems to be somewhat insecure about it, though he's great at masking it.
Extended Background: His father, a former executive of the mafia, kept his intimate life on the low for many years; Kaede's birth was unbeknownst to anyone and everyone in the mafia. His son resembled him greatly, having taken his colors and build, and he knew that, should he be discovered, that his position as executive could be jeopardized (along with the life of his son). For sixteen long years, he raised his son in secret, alone; the mother had died bringing her son into the world. Kaede had inherited the careless and cruel nature like that of his father, and was quick to learn how to stand his own. Shortly after turning sixteen, he turned against his father, and subsequently took his life; but not before being given his signature scar. His father's vain attempts to stop his son from slaughtering him were useless, but the long gash he left across Kaede's muzzle would scar him for life. Kaede, outwardly, treats it as some kind of trophy.
Likes: Ironically, Kaede has a strange habit of collecting leaves. He is careful to preserve the most beautiful ones he comes into contact with. None of the strays really knows where he keeps them, though; probably in a spare room near his personal quarters. He also enjoys drinking, usually sake. He isn't easily pushed under the table, unlike several of his drinking buddies. Kaede has a strong interest in death and suicide. No one has any idea as to why, but he bares self-harm scars on his inner forearms. 
Dislikes: Kaede absolutely hates when others mock him, or attempt to push their luck with him. He gets unbelievably aggressive in situations such as this. 

Typical Clothing: He is almost never seen without some sort of bandages around his neck and / or forearms.
Jewelry: --
Hygiene: Since he has to change his bandages frequently, he makes sure that his fur is clean and tidy (he has to, really; he's always getting blood in his pelt). 
Flaws: Kaede doesn't exactly know when to stop, and this applies to most of his ambitions. He remains on the offensive almost constantly, often overstepping his boundaries, and testing the waters when he knows the consquences could be too high a price for him to pay.
Admiration(s): Realistically, Kaede hardly ever takes notice of anyone but himself. If someone demonstrates behavior that rivals his own, he's quick to crush them (and rarely shows mercy in doing so). 
Significant Other: --

Common Phrase: "The enemy won't wait for you to get up."
Canon Voice: Daniel Murillo ('Danny' from Hollywood Undead).
Theme: "Dark Places," by Hollywood Undead.
    Excerpt: I've come way too far for this; I've put in too much work, I've dealt with too much hurt. But we live in dark places, dark places.

Biggest Accomplishment: Earning his current position within the strays.