Idunn Siste



4 years, 2 months ago



Name Idunn Siste
Alias Idi
Age content
Gender Female
Height 5'11
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Race Aasimar
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Highly intelligent and charismatic, very friendly to everyone she meets but can be stubborn at times. Born to two human parents, one of whom had Solar ancestors that gave Idunn her powers. She is known to be extraordinarily beautiful and is taller than most at around 5'11. Due to her Solar heritage, she has topaz coloured eyes and a silvery-golden tint to her skin as well as feathers on her shoulders and back where wings may have sprouted. She did not know her ancestor directly, but he left a journal of his beliefs and time in this realm to guide any celestial beings that came from his family. Idunn greatly enjoys the company of other half breeds, especially half-elves, but will be wary of tieflings. Idunn befriended and married a half-elf named Morsom. Morsom's adopted son Måne and her don't get along at times but understand each other and how they feel. Idunn didn't think anything of Morsom at first but seeing a man almost more charismatic than she was caught her eye. As a cleric and a holy woman, Idunn worships the goddess Aerdrie Faenya and prays every dawn to her. The autumn equinox is a special holiday for her because of this and she often plays the flute and dances to celebrate the changing of the seasons in the Dance of the Swirling Winds. As a child, she was treated as a miracle in her home village and many worshipped her. In her late teens, she started her own church in the village to help put that worshipping towards the goddess they prayed to. She felt like an outcast most of her life for being put on a pedestal and won't openly say that she is an Aasimar. Due to her race, she has been targeted in the past for slavery and killing but can usually handle her self in conflict. Though, since she is a cleric and aligned with good she tends to stick by her husband's side now for protection. Idunn enjoys learning languages to help her communicate with others in her free time and knows Common, Celestial, and Elven (from Morsom). Despite having a family, Idunn travels a lot and focuses on finding herself and her place in the world. Since Aasimar are very rare and dormant for a long time in family lines, she's searching for anyone else like her to help her understand and maybe even the one she descended from if she gets lucky enough to find him


Relatives content
Alignment chaotic evil
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