


4 years, 1 month ago


Commission originally drawn/designed by Hollis!

Name: Kerstitches

Species: Plushie Kougra (Neopets)

Instrument: Drum Synth, Modular Synth

Theme song: "cat" by C418

Kerstitches has rainbow stripes and a big yellow star on his chest! The visible stitches and mismatch patches show how clumsy he can be, as he's taken more than just a tumble. Rest assured, this Kougra is well-loved and always gets fixed up whenever he gets hurt! 

He is actually a sentient plushie with a synthesized soul, which Gougge created instead of catching and trapping one. As a result of being a brand new soul, Kerstitches is innocent and inexperienced, he has not yet suffered hardships that grow and shape souls over time. Thinking about it now, it may not have been the wisest idea to make him a plushie, because he's clumsy and gets torn often. Unaware and unafraid of most things, he is capable of pure unconditional love and will absolutely hug anyone and everyone he meets. Kerstitches has no concept of judgement and believes everyone to be his friend.

I also want to say that Kerstitches was my comfort character during the pandemic. I lost my job for a while and had to work a really crappy graveyard shift job that wrecked my sleep schedule, and my mental/emotional wellbeing.

For phalange-less Kerstitches, a drum synthesizer works great, because it has pads you can drum on with your thumbs. I also feel like Kerstitches sort of holds things together, much like a drum beat holds a song or an ensemble together, he provides that constant rhythm that others can get back into if they get lost or off tempo.