


4 years, 1 month ago


Name Laurence
Age 19
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Species Silver Fox
Height 6'5
Weight 192 lbs
Relationship Taken
I will not rest until the people of Asterlyn are safe.

Being the leader of a vigilante group fighting against a tyrannical king in the kingdom of Asterlyn, Laurence is often perceived as a stern and no-nonesense type of fox with a bit of a temper. He can be grouchy at times, but in the end cares deeply for those who are close to him, enough so to put his life on the line to save others. Despite how cold and aggressive he can appear, he really is only trying to hide how deeply he worries for those around him, and in the end there's little he wouldn't do for his friends and family. However, he has his fair share of secrets when it comes to his true motives for fighting for his kingdom- Is it really a strong sense of justice, or something more...?

Additionally, Laurence has the ability to conjure and control blue fire, although he keeps his power secret from nearly everyone, as not only is magic rather tabboo where he comes from, but he also deeply fears his power. He was given this magic against his will, and never truly wanted it in the first place. He finds it hard to control, and of course the last thing he would ever want is to accidentally hurt one of the people he cares for with it's unpredictable nature.