Aileen Kearney



4 years, 2 months ago


Aileen Kearney
"The Lion"
24th of Rainsfall (April) 200 ADDW
Priestess of Mátheor
Lawful Good

35 years ago, the corrupt king of the Kingdom of Verhirith, King Cillian, received word of a Prophecy that foretold an unnamed, coming age of Darkness and the birth of the One─the savior who would rescue Eire from this coming darkness and reign over all mortal kings─on the night the Star of Creation would appear in the sky. With the help of his astrologists and scholars, King Cillian determined the night this star would appear and secretly began making plans to have all infants born on the Prophesied Night and any who stood against his soldiers killed, terrified of the Prophecy coming true and having another king rule over him.

23 years ago, the Order of Mátheor heard of his evil plans a month before the Star would appear and spread every single member of their order across Eire─at least one to each town, and many to each large city─in preparation for the Night, scouting ahead of time and finding out who was due to give birth then. Then every member of the Order were to stand guard at the births, whisking the parents and newborns back to the safety of their monastery as soon as the children were born.

When the night came, Éva Carthaigh, the High Priestess of the Order of Mátheor, was in the city of Bethagne in the Kingdom of Verhirith, overseeing evacuations of new parents and babies. While walking down a street, Éva heard soldiers shouting, a woman screaming, and over it all, a newborn’s cries. She hurried to investigate and found ten of King Cillian's soldiers standing over the body of a man in a stable, about to kill his wife and child. Éva arrived too late to save the mother, but she defeated the soldiers in time to save the child.

Like the baby girl Éva saved, some births weren’t found out until the night of, and the Order was too late to save them and/or their parents. Others were overwhelmed by soldiers and assassins of King Cillian’s and the children, parents, and Order members were killed. In the end, Twenty, including Éva's ward, were saved and brought back to the monastery where Éva named the baby she saved Aileen, meaning “light,” as a bright hope in the midst of the bloody and dark circumstances surrounding her birth. From then on, Éva served as a mother in all but blood for Aileen as she grew up with the rest of the Twenty under the care of the Order of Mátheor.



Into the Open Air by Julie Fowlis

Love of Heaven by Mychael Danna & Jeff Danna

Sing it from the Shackles by Rend Collective

Dia Dha Mo Chaim by Mychael Danna & Jeff Danna

Red Is The Rose by The High Kings

What is My Hope by Tenielle Neda


Singing, swordfighting, challenges, dancing, colorful clothing when practical
Injustice, arrogant people, mushrooms, sweeping
Recites scripture from the Book of Mátheor that fits the situation. Adores apples; whenever she eats one, she uses her dagger to slice it from the top down in a grid pattern that divides it into 9 sticks. Doesn’t swear, ever.

One of the Prophesied Twenty, one of which will fulfill the Prophecy and save the world.

Aileen's parents gave birth in a stable hoping it would make them harder for the soldiers to find in such an obscure location. Unfortunately, it only saved Aileen, and not her parents.

Recently ordained to become a Priestess of the Order of Mátheoir, the second-highest rank, below the High Priestess and High Priest.

Does the best in Swordplay classes at the Order of Mátheoir's monastery, but Diplomacy is a close second. Her worst class is Cooking.



Cassair Bresal
[ close friend ]

"He's been through much, as have his friends, Odhran, Sheridan, and Eagan, and he's a stranger to these lands, just like them. But while they simply survive, he has a small hope within him that things will get better, and I will do my best to see it rewarded. I have a feeling he will do great things."


Éva Carthaigh
[ adoptive mother ]

"My mother in all but blood, she saved me when I was a baby. I can never repay her for that, but I will spend every day trying to. Her quiet, secret humor and steady guidance have helped me through much."


Senan Eason
[ friend ]

"Much wisdom resides in this blind man not too much older than I am. He still has more to learn as he discovers how to stop hiding and show his true self, but his commitment to protecting those under his care speaks to a character that no hood and cloak can hide."

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