


4 years, 2 months ago


Feel Free To: ✔️
Do Not Draw: Ⓧ️
✔️ - Color Pick
✔️ - Give them new clothes
✔️ - Draw with other characters from the fandom (DMC)
✔️ - Draw Gore (just maybe don't draw my characters dead and we're good~)
✔️ - Draw as a chibi/simplify the designs slightly

Ⓧ️ - Fetishes
Ⓧ️ - Human faced anthros
!! (aka human/oid facial features/shapes \ basically human with animal markings) They scare me a bit & none of my characters are shaped like that ♥ I got both a Human and a bunch of Anthro characters, pick one or the other, but do not mix~~ Thank you!
Ⓧ️ - No Gender/Species-bending please~ I'm sorry that most of my characters are male identifying and dogs, but it's the stuff I like!


Draw with or without clothesYes with clothesNo clothes

Draw With
Design notes
Scenario ideas or themes?

Loyal, efficient, mostly happy. He's a demon hunter who's also literally part demon due to his limbs and some 'surgeries' that took place at some point. His main weapon is a sword crossed with a rifle. He also has a Devil Trigger form - for those of you who wanna draw a slightly more monstrous kinda thing

This profile is a mess

But in Very quick summary, stuff:
- DMC (aka Devil May Cry) OC
- Pretty free spirited, laidback & up to goof around and make puns kinda guy
- His main weapon is a rifle with a sword attached to it (and the blue see-through bit is bullet/impact proof ice/glass, because logic, right?)
- He used to be 100% human, but because of experiments his arms and legs are 'demonic' in origin currently, and while he has managed to gain control over them, they're slowly taking over his body as can be seen in the dark spread on his neck
* He likes hiding his arms and legs because of this reason and tends to wear gloves etc. But you can draw him with vests and other sleeveless stuff! The demon arms can glow too, so there's that!
- Please feel absolutely free to draw him as a human!! I'm just really bad at drawing humans myself so there's not a lot to reference from xD I'm sorry! But I'd Love some human art!

If you wanna check on some music that I kinda have on my back for him
- Parasitic Evil
- Uncanny Noise
- Faithful Servant
- Baroque & Beat


Likes to think things over. He keeps his cool pretty easily and prefers to think before acting, but sometimes he gets a bit too excited to just sit still and strategize before moving in - usually he'll then think up something in the heat of he moment, but hasty acting is not too common for him and only really happens if he's challenged by someone strong but he's confident he can either win or survive with ease
He's quite the joker, likes puns and silly things and taking it easy. He's got quite the laidback personality all things considered.

Speed is his main strength and he'll make good use of it too. His stamina is fine and defences are decent, although significantly less his strong-suit when compared to how agile he is.
Kitan packs a surprising amount of strength. Not an awful lot, but you wouldn't expect much at all from someone who looks like him. He's still able to easily lift and swing his weapon around with haste if needed and basically whenever he wants to - it might be light weight and relies more on sharpness and its long-distance options, it's still quite impressive to be able to lift the blade with only one hand

And speaking of those hands, Kitan has permanent demon arms due to some experiments he was subjected to. Sometimes it sucks to be loyal, but at least he lives. He also got permanent demon legs from said experiments, but those are less visible since you'd really do better wearing pants around other people

Also rather expressive, likes to kinda exaggerate them and uses his hands and arms a lot to emote things. Likes sour and spicy things. Doesn't really like rain. Can swim, but only barely
If he'd just spend all day walking dogs he'd be real happy. It's like a hobby side-job of his, being a dog walker
Occasionally tries to chat it up with demons he's hunting, just because, sometimes you need company. Buuuuut if they're not really capable of speech it's a bit hard and conversations end up rather one-sided, so he dispatches of the boring chatters pretty quick

Rifle-Sword - (His) Throne - name might change, but it's something like that. Commonly used at long range since it's more tactical and hey, it's no cowardly when you're not immortal and what you're working with are demons.  On the contrary, the sword bit makes it an effective close-range weapon as well - and kinda a shield too, even if he'd rather not parry with it & rather prefers to dodge. Typically carries it on a Biathlon Sling (probably altered to make it easy for him to just yoink it out when he needs to)
Regular ol' handgun - (Silent) Sanctuary - likely possesses some ice magic or such, mostly only uses it when he can't use his main weapon, or if he's in a tough spot etc. It can sometimes be easier and faster for him to use a handgun

Devil Trigger: Prefers to not use it because of bad memories (and the little fact that is 'corruption' and 'fight of who the body belongs to'). Only really an emergency resource. Or if the opponent is proving to be a challenge and he's deeming it a fun chance to go a little wild. Still, he can't really use it for a long time as it isn't exactly natural to him and depending on things there might be fatigue afterwards
Kitan gains a boost to his speed and strength as a result of entering this form. He'll also get a bit more defence and the ability to regenerate health - and of course, a change in appearance. But it certainly won't make him incredibly powerful, this form is rather artificial in his case afterall
Small bonus in minor ice magic capabilities. It's small but very concentrated, so while he could, say, summon a bit of ice, it's not a lot, but it's very tough ice

Speedy design notes & inspiration stuff:
- Demon arms (spread onto the neck as well) & legs - he tries to keep them hidden, but they're still cool to draw, and efficient in combat
* They can kinda glow somewhat
- Ice elemental stuff, not a lot of it but enough to be noted (He gets it from the demon he was 'fused' with)
- Likes furry fluffy stuff & animals because bruh Yes
- Fizzy Cool Drinks
* He takes xylitol gum after meals whenever he can - because that's the responsible thing to do
- Some 'Magpie instincts' when he sees gold stuff he has this slight urge to have it - but he doesn't steal, respects boundaries and laws like that, but he does get this "That's niiiiiiice" feeling

Species: Human





Notes about character:

Scenario ideas?:

Powers, Abilities, Arsenal:

Combat proficiency: