


4 years, 2 months ago


name: Jager

nick: none 

age: 25

gender: male

personality: has a bit of a temper but is mostly a chill person. 

bio: Jager is the son of Verde and Fell [An Underfell Sans]. For much of his childhood Jager had a normal one. His parents adored him and he was happy even though he lived in a very dangerous place. His parents protected him to the best of their ability even though the youngster would often get into trouble on his own. He learned how to fight and fend for himself even though he had a loving home to go to.
As Jager grew older he began to want to spread his wings out and seek adventure. Even though it wasn't something his parents wanted but they knew that they couldn't keep their son in their house for long. Jager set out and began to explore the worlds of the multiverse on his own. He met a young skeleton who went by the name Swap Rip but later changed his name to Alec. He fell in love with him even though his father didn't exactly like him. The pair ended up having a child of their own. Jager explores the multiverse still and it has caused some strain on his relationship due to his desire to wander.