


4 years, 2 months ago


Nakkana is a biogenic engineer for his organization, Abyss Patrol. On the battlefield he functions as a medic.

When he is off the battlefield, he works on his research of oceanic life and other forms of biology. Nakkana dreads working and constantly laments to those around him. He's always eager to take a vacation the first chance he gets but whenever the oppertunity prevails itself, he turns it down, saying "I have too much work left to do, if I go now then that's all I'm going to be thinking about." Whenever someone forces him to take a break from his research, it's often difficult to pry him out of his work desk and requires around two people to finally kick him out.

Besides his whiny workaholic nature, he is deemed horrible to work with. His attitude is borderline passive agressive, to the point of just being aggressive. He will snide and point out very mistake you make with a blunt speech of how unacceptable it is. He's also very bossy, ordering everyone to move out of his way and to fetch him various equipment without any politeness involved. Many of his fellow co-workers tease him about not being able to land any other job than the boring one he has now because he would be insufferable employed anywhere else. He responds to this by strangling his co-workers.

Nakkana is suspected to have a soft side, but there has been no evidence of the such in recent reports.