Aure's Comments

Hey! I just wanted to say hi and asl how you are! We havent spoken in awhile and i feel bad..lately life hast been the greatest for, though, just tryna, talk to a few old friends..Ahh haha sorry, we gotta talk again soon! I really wanna comm a huge peice from an artist in the future with Aure and Aseith and there pups pluss possibly Ophelia? Haha just a thought though ^^ i wanna talk to you about alot of things, catch up, maybe even gift ya a few peices of art? Just, PM me on discord whenver you can, would really make my day,

your always okay to dm me via discord! i just may take a bit to reply, im going through a bad breakup atm so social interactions can be a bit difficult atm as im still recovering so sorry to hear! im sending all my love and support your way!!   i hope you feel better soon!!!