


4 years, 2 months ago


GOLDENSTAR—large golden tabby she-cat with a fluffy mane.

Goldenstar is the leader of SunClan. She's very poised and calm, and many would consider her a gentle leader despite her large, intimidating size. Her voice is soft, soothing to the ears. She's very good at maintaining her emotions and even better at not showing them. When she's angry, she's very calm, which can be considered scary at times because nobody ever really knows exactly what she's feeling. Overall she's a beloved leader, even if her self confidence can be a bit of a downfall, causing her to think she can't make a wrong decision. Her deputy (and little brother, though he's much bigger than her) keeps her in check whenever a not so great idea goes right to her head.

Designs notes: She has a star symbol made of four lines on her forehead and a marking on her chest which resembles a star. Her tabby lines can be random, but she is a marble tabby so as long as it looks similar don't worry about it. She has white paws and blue eyes. Her fur is fluffy, and she has somewhat of a mane of fur around her neck. Her cheek fur is long and almost resembles a lynx. She's a large cat (think maine coon.)