gonna use! Amazing code!!!

Hello! I’ve never actually used profile codes- the code I have on my profile was added by my friend when she was helping me set up my profile so I don’t know how to remove things from codes ^^’ so first- if I am allowed to modify it, how do I get rid of the links to other website accounts? I don’t really have any other accounts-

Correction I’ve never properly edited a code- only added text-

You're just going to delete the section between <-------button-------> and <------playlist------->!

Alrighty, thank you!

One more question, how do I add an image to the little circle under the name part?

You are going to need to replace the image url in-between the <-------image--------> section with a url to your image!

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So this is a youtube embedder, meaning you have to have a youtube video that you want audio to play from! If I take https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw3BsO0Q3UI for example, you have to take the last random numbers and letters just after the = and paste it where I put the 'xxx'. It would look like this 


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I am using this, this is my first profile code ever and i love the galaxy theme (one of my main aesthetics)

Im so glad to hear that!! Thank you for using my code!

you're so welcome, thank you for offering it f2u!!!! I hope how I've been editing it is okay with you, I didn't find your code rules really? but keeping the credit of course.

and also, may i ask how you could make the body containers opacity lower without the text also becoming lower in opacity perhaps?

I'm trying to find where to put in the style="opacity:.85;" to make the white backgrounds kinda transparent but not fully. No worries if this is too much to answer, i should be ok figuring it out in a lil while or something ^^

Oh of course, feel free to change it as you want!
Making the opacity lower is a bit strange instead of using a regualr hex you have to use RGBA. For example, this code uses "background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.7)" with the zeros coordinating to the colours and the 7 to the opacity. For white you would use "background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7)" (all which you would put into the style tag and take away the bg-muted)
I hope this helps! Feel free to message me again if you need anything else~

oh wow that is a HUGE help, thank you so much!!! It really helped my profile haha. I really like this code and your matching character code too, I think I'll use that one for my first fursona i'm making!!! :D and also, I like your codes a lot ^^ thanks for providing them, and your help is very much appreciated and was super clear and concise !!!

Oh thank you for that it really brightened my day <3333 Please message me again if you need anything else!

I use this code, thank you very much !

Im happy to hear that! Thank you for using it!!

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Oh Im so happy to hear that!!! Thank you for the comment!!

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