
7 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Real Name





17 y.o






53 kg


Best friend with Meli-Chan 

Friend with Fer-Chan

Her name is Mikaela but she prefers to be called Mika. Mikaela is orphaned. At the time of delivery, she was born healthy, but her mother died. His father couldn't resist and left Mikaela in an orphanage and committed suicide (his parents had already planned the name before she was born).
Mikaela was good at talking to people, that is, socializing. But she did not consider any of her best friends.
One day came a couple of small neko twins, MeliNeko-Chan and FerNeko-Chan. With the passage of time Mika and MeliNeko-Chan had a great mutual affection as of sisters. Mika have a good relationship with FerNeko-Chan but not excellent.

Mikaela is mute due to laryngitis when she was 7 y.o. This caused her to have laryngeal cancer. The cancer was getting worse until they had to remove the larynx and that prevented him from talking. There were treatments to recover speech which if carried out but there was no improvement or change; Now she communicates with a notebook that always carries with her and she is learning the Sign Language.
Her passion is drawing. She learned to use the typical wood colors at 3 years of age; Then tested the downs at 4; Later he experimented with all types of paint at 10 years of age and at 13 he discovered digital drawing. For Meli-Chan, Mika was like her older sister, someone to follow. She asked Mika to teach her to draw and Mikaela accepted. 

Have you seen Meli-Chan's Band-Aids? They are colorful and with very cute designs. Mika, the one who paints her band-aids.

Once, when MeliChan was 4 years old (and Mika 6), she fell while skating with Mika and scraped her left knee. When the doctor attended, she told him that the mark would be permanent and put a band-aid on the injured knee. MeliChan did not like it. She wanted cute and colorful designs in her band-aids and Mika had the idea to paint them and that she did. Time passed and MeliChan no longer hurt his knee but if it remained the mark of the fall, apparently, permanently. And so he continued to use band-aids. One day he gave her to wear bandages on different parts of her body. He liked how they looked and invited Mika to do the same and he did. Now in their spare time, they dedicate themselves to painting band-aids and putting them on for fun.
