Deanna Edge's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Skullscarada Global Rules

Applies for the Accounts Below

Main: Skullscarada | Sales: Sprigavee | Fandom ALT: Sprinklekit

- Upon being traded or given a design of mine, I do not care or have any responsibility for what you include it in, they are under your ownership. Not mine.

- NSFW/Gore content with my designs is perfectly fine. Reposting said content elsewhere is fine too.

- Do not sell my artwork, whether used for merch, etc. You can repost my artworks if needs be, but be sure to credit me. You can DM me for my other socials if needed.

- If you REALLY don't want the design, you can send it over to Sprigavee (I will just find a new home for it.)

For any other questions whether relevant to the rules above or not, DM Skullscarada