Soraya Bolívar



4 years, 2 months ago


Name Soraya Bolívar
Nickname[s] Aya
Age 208 y/o
Gender Female [She/Her]
Height [info]
Build Chubby
Occupation Small Monster Researcher
Species Wyverian
Nationality Guatemalan
Orientation Bisexual Panromantic
Alignment [info]
Theme [song]


Voiceclaim [link]


soraya bolívar is a wyverian researcher for the research commission stationed in astera in the new world. she has always had an interest in small monsters and their alphas [jaggi w/ great jaggi, wroggi w/ great wroggi, etc], and within the new world, there were only many more to be discovered. she takes notes on family dynamics, sexual dymorphisms, bachelor groups, possible migration/relocating patterns, that kind of stuff. although primarily focusing on carnivorous small monsters, she'll watch herbivorous small monsters as well.

soraya had an accident, however. she was tasked with examining a family group of girros down in the rotten vale; where elder dragons go and lay to rest. this area, though, is dangerous, due to the toxic effluvium lingering in the air and even being carried amongst monsters. despite being prepared with appropriate equipment, she passed out from effluvium poisoning. the last thing she saw -- or remembers -- is the sight of a great girros and its mini-me's appearing from the brush.

amelynn ornelas was tasked with going to look for her after she didn't return after a certain amount of time. it was easy to follow soraya's footprints, and soon enough she found the wyverian leaned against the wall of the vale's underground, unconscious. amelynn was able to scare off the girros that began to surround her, except for one that seemed to be... protecting her, for some reason. not really caring initially, she hoisted soraya into her arms and brought her back to the safety of astera, with that same girros on her tail as if it were a lost puppy.

thankfully, soraya survived the accident. once the ratio of fresh air outweighed the effluvium in her system, she woke in astera's infirmary. though, she heard a commotion from outside, and she rushed to go look, only to find a few hunters running around trying to catch that goddamn girros that followed her home. she called for them, demanding that they'd stop, and stop they did; only in confusion, though. the girros hobbled its way to soraya and flared its hood at her in greeting. nobody really understood why it was being so friendly. soraya must have known, but she has never disclosed the reason to this day.

now, soraya continues her duties as astera's small monster researcher with the girros by her side. she named him vlademir because of girros' big, paralyzing fangs. she is also in a relationship with her rescuer, amelynn.


  • she is 26 in human years!
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Design Notes

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