Rosebeam /star



4 years, 1 month ago


65 moons
Cis Female


Confident • Motherly • Dependable • Defensive • Headstrong • Confrontational • Envious

Rosestar is a workaholic, because she always strives to do her best. Ever since she was little her dream of being leader shaped a lot of her personality. She is not afraid to bare fang and claw for Monarchclan and that can get her into some sticky situations. The dusty brown molly tends to take care of those she finds weaker than her and will dote on those she cares for. Kits, apprentices, and elders all get special treatment from the leader as she feels she owes them her service.

This molly radiates confidence and determination. Don't try to tell her she's wrong...and if you do, you better have evidence to back up your claims. Rosestar worked hard so she feels she is entitled to a bit of braggery and showoffishness. Not often do many see the envious side of the calm and collected leader, but she definitely has a streak of jealousy in her. She works hard to hide this, but sometimes it slips through.


  • Leaf-fall
  • Kittens
  • Mentoring
  • Sparring


  • Thunderstorms
  • Den-building
  • Leaf-bare
  • Snow
"don't tell me how to lead my clan..."


Rosekit and Tigerkit were born to Gingersneeze and Clearsong. Having their grandfather being the leader, Sandstar, has made Rosekit a bit overconfident. She was a bit of a brat during her kithood because she thought that she and her sister were special and would go around and demand love and attention from the surrounding clan cats. As she grew more she realized to tone it back a bit, but she retained some of her obnoxious habits. Having a spoiled and relaxed kithood was a blessing for the sleek molly, but we will see how her life turns from here.

Rosepaw was assigned to Slugstride as his apprentice, which was of much benefit to the determined molly because Slugstride was always amiable to her requests. She tended to push herself as hard as possible to be able to achieve her goal of becoming leader. He was always respectful and kind, allowed her to speak her mind and test her limits without unneeded comments. Somehow, Rosepaw never encountered the rogues that caused so much suffering for her clanmates. This caused the very headstrong molly to feel even more headstrong about taking these cats on. She told herself that the first time she ran into them would be the last. Rosepaw came to be an extremely mature and intelligent molly throughout the moons. Her competition with Bramblingpaw growing even stronger, despite still maintaining a good friendship with her. She came to strive off the competition and loved having a goal and someone that could motivate her.

Rosepaw was named Rosebeam alongside her sister, Tigertail! Soon into warriorhood the battles with the rogues intensified. Rosebeam took a rogue's life alongside Bramblingbite in an attempt to try and save the clan denmother, Ivorytoes, but were too late to save the molly. From this battle they managed to get a defector from Papa's gang, a small tom named Dice. He agreed to help them come up with a plan to take down the gang. While they plotted the kits that had been saved from a flood were found out to be Papa's children, which caused some tension in camp. This didn't last long because Cypresspaw tried to convince her siblings, Birchpaw and Palmpaw, to come with her to meet their father, Papa.

Birchpaw agreed, but Palmpaw declined and alerted Sandstar and Hazelfang of his sister's betrayal. Alongside Palmpaw, Rosebeam chased down the apprentices to try and intervene, but she was too late. Upon finding them Papa grew angry with being followed and knocked Birchpaw out. In the ensuing fight Papa killed Palmpaw, who was later named Palmspirit in honor of his service, and dragged Cypresspaw and the unconcious form of Birchpaw back to his hideout.

Upon bringing Palmpaw's dead body back to camp and bestowing his new name the clan devised a plan on how to take down the rogues for once. Dice, now named Onionpaw, shared information on the secret entrances and where the captives were being held. Quickly and efficiently Rosebeam and Gingersneeze lead a patrol into the barn and freed the kidnapped cats. After sending them back to camp Rosebeam headed to the final battle with Papa. She fought hard and killed the large tom, bringing an end to his terrible reign.

After the rogues were killed Rosebeam was viewed as a hero in the clan. She relaxed some and took time to enjoy being a warrior and training her apprentice, Onionpaw. A hawk had begun to reek havoc on the clan and Sandstar made it a point to kill it himself, much to the chagrine of both Rosebeam and the deputy, Hazelfang. There was no dissuading him though, and shortly after the birth of Clearsong and Gingersneeze's second litter, Sandstar died killing the hawk in his trap. Rosebeam brought her grandfather's dead body back to camp and to her surprise was immediately named deputy.

Rosebeam was only deputy for a very short time before she was made leader. Hazelstar faced intense and unfair backlash from the clan for her terse nature, which she dealt with. A sickness swept through Monarchclan and took one of Hazelstar's lives and permanently weakened the molly. Upon finding out that she was forever weakened she stepped down and made Rosebeam leader, hoping the clan would listen to her.

As leader Rosestar has dealt with a massive defecture of cats for fighting within the clan, including her own brother Thundercry. Other than cats leaving the only large issue she had to deal with were the fox attacks, but they killed the threat as quickly as possible. Hope things stay peaceful...


• she is considered very beautiful within the clan

• a sleek greyish brown tabby molly with a creamy underbelly, dark tail tip, and a mousy brown nose

• deep amber eyes

• sleek build, average height

• long scars on chest and over her left eye


• Rosestar's voice claim is Stevie Nicks from Fleetwood Mac

• Rosestar is the youngest leader ever of Monarchclan

• Both of Rosestar's grandpas were high ranks, Sandstar (leader) and Onespark (deputy)

• She harbors intense guilt about so many cats leaving Monarchclan during her time in charge

• If given a gift Rosestar will keep it next to her nest where she can admire it

• She has killed at least 2 cats to protect her clan




"My beautiful mate, my best friend, and my deputy. She has been my driving force and biggest supporter and motivator throughout my whole life. I love her so much and know that I wouldn't have made it to leadership without her. I just hope that we can relax and start a family before long."



"I am so grateful for Tan. I don't agree with his thoughts on stepping down, because I know how many lives he has saved...but that is his decision to make. He has trained Crookedpaw well and I know he will transition to being a warrior well enough. He knows now that I am family I will continue to nag him about finding his happiness."



"My sister-in-law! I love Nightshine and I am so glad she ended up with Tanagersong. Nightshine is one hell of a warrior...I remember fighting alongside her in the many battles we were in growing up. She's a great cat."



"You...You truly broke me. I loved you like a child of my own...Stars, you were so attached to my hip that you slept in the same den as Bramblingbite and I. I don't understand why you left...was it something I did? You could've asked me for the moon and I would've gotten it for you..."



"I love Owlpool, even though she has a lot of self-doubt I find her to be one of the strongest cats here. She had lived through so much and still does everything asked of her. She is a gentle spirit and a quiet soul, but I trust in the abilities of my former apprentice."



"Light and I had a bit of a rocky start. He hated anyone that wasn't Thundercry...and I get it. My brother was loved by many and his departure hurt all of us in different ways. Lightheart though, he thankfully returned to his vibrant and exuberant self before long. I am glad that I took him on as my apprentice and love him as deeply as my other apprentices."



"What a determined little molly. Reminds me of myself at that age, honestly! I know that if she continues at this pace she will be a force to be reckoned with at my age. Stars, she could replace me at that rate, haha!"



"Such a sweet little tom. I love his kind nature and laidback personality, atleast that was the sense I got from him during the few interactions we had."



"Carrotblaze seems to have a one-track mind, which is work. I get it, that was all I cared about when I was younger, but I hope she can loosen up a bit and enjoy life. That is one thing I wish I had learned earlier on. Once she realizes self-worth isn't tied to productivity that should get better."



"I miss you Poppa. I know now that I am older that you really hurt some of my friends, but I don't feel guilty for still loving you. Growing up you were my role model...I idolized you as if you were Starclan's sole representative. I hope that I have grown to be a cat that you are proud of and that I am upholding Monarchclan's image and traditions as a strong clan."



"Mom...I know you blame yourself for Thunder...but please don't. I know it really put a strain on your relationship with Dad...but I am so glad to see that you and him have started to reconnect. Love you, Ma."



"Dad, you are a kind soul. I know that the fight between Birchsnap and you really changed the dynamics within the family, but you are and always will be my father. I love you deeply and I'm sorry about everything with Thundercry. We have talked long and hard about your responsibility as a father and I have reprimanded you, but know that I still love you."



"Oh Tiger...How I wish we could go back to when we were young. Life was so much simpler back then. You have been my longest friend, ya know, since you were stuck with me as a sister. I find it hard not to come bug you all the time with every trouble I face, but I know that if I do need to come to you I can. Love you sis."



"Stars, I can barely think of you without crying. I tried and tried and tried...but it never worked. I don't understand what happened with you. We loved you...but you didn't want us to? Foxdung, I would give all of my spare lives to make you fit in our family and bring you back..."



"Oh little sister. I wish I could've done something to prevent your injury...but I know that you are an amazing den-mother and I am glad that a caring soul like yourself is helping in raising the next generation. Love you Mist."

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