


4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Horatia (Prounounced H-Or-Ah-shia)
Nickname: 'Hora' or 'Atia'
Age: 19
Magic: Fire Devil Slaying Magic & Ice Dragon Slaying Magic
Guild: SaberTooth
Guild Mark Location: Left Shoulder-blade
Guild Mark Color: Icy Blue


Hora is a long time Member of the Guild SaberTooth, having been a  member a few years prior to Jiemma overthrowing the original Guild  Master and instating his own tyrannical rule. For reasons unknown Hora  remained in the Guild even fater Jiemma drove everyone else originally a  part of it out, speculations are she was forced to stay.

She is  one of the Guild's strongest members in terms of Magical strength, and  is considered among it's members as one of the top, though to the  outside world most Wizards are unaware of her presence in the Guild. She  is best friends with nearly everyone in the Guild, especially Frosch,  Lector, Rogue, Sting, Yukino, Orga and Rufus. SaberTooth despite outside  appearance, is not full of ruthless Wizards with little regard for  other Mages or basic moral laws, it's actually oppressed and scared to  death of Master Jiemma, and creates an act for the outside world to  stick to the image Jiemma wants for the Guild, though in reality they  are all kind people. Hora is nearly the only person who does not submit  to Jiemma's authority and scar-tactics like the rest of her Guild, she's  somewhat rebellious and isn't afraid to be herself, and be kind to  other Guilds and Wizards, despite that being something Jiemma does not  want.

Hora is an incredibly kind and fun loving person who cares  deeply for the safety and happiness of others, especially her friends.  She's proven herself willing to abandon her own health, security and  happiness in order to make sure everyone else is alright. She's also a  very damaged soul who's horrors of her past haunt her every step of the  way, and leave her feeling hollow and empty. She finds it impossible to  be happy on her own, and finds the only way she's happy is if the people  she loves are safe and happy. She also hates being alone, having been  that way for a very long time. She's good at hiding her emotions, having  hidden her true feelings and pain for years before anyone noticed, and  in reality she's quite broken on the inside. She also struggles with  finding purpose in her life, and hates herself for everything wrong that  happens that she feels she could have prevented, but failed to do so.

Hora's  true past, personality and Magic are entirely unknown, even by her  closest of friends, and she's made it clear she won't be elaborating.  What is known of her Magic is that it is based on the element of Fire,  but of what sort isn't really clear. Hora considers her own Magic dark  and evil, and others have remarked they feel her Magic that way as well,  though only at times. But her Magic is potent enough that her body is  warmer than average, and should her Magic or anger get out of control,  she can easily singe and burn things around her, or make liquids  evaporate instantaneously.


Attack Power: 5/5
Defensive Power: 2/5
Speed: 3/5
Intelligence: 3/5
Endurance: 4/5

Additional Details: 
-She has scars!
->One across her nose
->Long one running down her arm
->Stomach (center)

Magic details:
-She  uses Fire Devil Slayer Magic, so the fire is regular fire- but when  using Magic black markings stretch across her arms and body (though  usually only stay on her right arm).

Shipping Information:

Hora is shipped with Rogue Cheney
(ship name is dubbed as 'RoRa')

These  two are best friends and they care about one another deeply. They have  no qualms with personal contact and Rogue is one of the few people Hora  will let herself fall apart in front of.... and Rogue is probably the  only person (outside of bestie Natsu) that can tell when something is  off with Hora, since she's so good at hiding it. This is a couple that  enjoys lots of soft shoulder-touches (no personal space... seriously)  and enjoying everyday activities with one another- even mundane things,  they're usually smiling when in eachothers company and as happy as can  be.

Not  really big in terms of kissing, but every once in awhile one or the  other will steal a quick peck on the cheek- and that causes the other  person to turn bright red in embarrassment. Lots of fluffy, cutesy  moments and flustered reactions.

Oh, and Hora is totally the dom in the relationship. Rogue will literally melt for her.




Haven't read Slain Among Ice and Fire? 

Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12022798/1/Slain-Among-Ice-and-Fire
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/75624968-slain-among-ice-and-fire-fairy-tail
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16627244/chapters/38979293